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Hi Everyone!

I have a query and look forward to your suggestion on the same.


My client is putting water purification plants in Least Developed countries (Ghana, Nigeria, Liberia, Bangladesh) and India. This technology uses ground water, purifies it and provide the local people with access to safe drinking water.


Does this project required Environment Impact Assessment??


Please help..




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yes.. it may be a water purifier , but impact assessment should be done. u have said water purification plant... so any plant before constructing it.. an EIA should be done


Yes, this can be done beforehand not mandatory; if not done, after a period of time Govt. could raise questions regarding enviromental Impact of the unit, so at that time it would be your urgency and now its your duty. And this can cause to your pocket in later stages. for more contact Laxesh kumar Sharma 09818155229

If this is a CETP then it has to undergo impact assessment studies

Please define the the magnitude of the project, availability of water source, water quality and health issues etc

Yes .It certainly requires EIA because if they are going to use RO system to provide safe water , there is wastage of water and disposal of this waste water will have environmental issues. There are many study you can see the issues related to disposal of water water from commercial RO system

Dear Priyanka

If your client is digging borewell for take the water out for your water purification plant then may be EIA studies require but I dont think that EIA is madantory in these least developed countries.But in India you will require from CGWA cleareance only. 

If you want to set up water purification plants in these developed countries,please call us. We are leading company and have capability to fullfill your project completion. Our address Enkay Enviro Services, Jaipur, and phone no is 91-0141-2363996,4023996, email:

Yes in India it requires EIA as well as Ground water clearance. I will provide you the Environmental clearance as well as ground water clearance

Please send me a detail of project magnitude

on 0r

Yours Faithfully

Muzaffar Ahmad


EIA and ground water clearance, bot needed. But will depend upon size of the plant, waste water disposal method and place, and the source of untreated water. Usually household kind of plants, used in houses, hostels, restaurants, hotels and offices, etc donot require. Details may be checked in

In India the project does not requires a prior EIA as mandate as per EIA Notification, 2006 and subsequent amendments. However, it can be done voluntarily since it will have a direct impact on hydrology of the area. The magnitude of the project will paly an important role.

Prior ground water clearance from CGWA is required depending upon the ground water block as per the classification. It may also require prior Consent to Establish/ Operate from SPCB

Environmental due diligence is the issue rather than mandatory environmental clearance for the project. The sustainability of the project depends on source reliability, water quality (which defines type of treatment to meet drinking water standards, and consequent pollution of the environment with chemical residues), conflict of interest (agri vs drinking, private vs project etc). It is wiser to do an in-house environmental due diligence assessment, if significant impacts are found at local level, assess more intensely with better expertise (Initial Environmental Examination). Also assess alternatives (sources, technologies), and if satisfied, proceed. It is better to keep these documents ready.

Many small, community water supplies have failed (Jalanidhi projects in Kerala), which should have been avoided, if EDD had been done. Remember, EIA clearance is not needed in India for such small community projects. EIA as a process has more importance than legitimating the impacts.


Dear priyanka

you should first look into the legislation of that country for which you concern.

In India, there is no need to obtain EC but require to obtain CGWA clearance from CGWB & CTE/CTO from SPCB.

It is recommended before make any final decision consult with MoEF gazette 2006 laws.

Dear Priyanka, 

As per Indian and Bangladesh legislation, a formal EIA is not required. Permission from local State  Pollution Control Board & Central Ground Water Authority should be required in India. In Bangladesh permission for groundwater withdrawal is given by Union Parishad.

However, since groundwater withdrawal is required, it may be prudent to conduct an impact assessment on local groundwater conditions (i.e. impacts on local geology, compaction and/or subsidence, lowering of water levels, impacts on adjoining users etc.). Groundwater modeling should be preferred to show impacts and extent of draw down. 

Also believe that backwash will be required. In such cases the environmental assessment should consider modes of discharge, water quality issues, uses of receiving water bodies, socio-economic impacts on down-stream users etc.



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