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Please advise me about the monitoring of PM10 and PM2.5 in flue gas of Coal fired thermal power plant in particular.  Pl email inof at


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there is so many sampler available for monitoring of PM 10 and PM 2.5 like high volume sampler (Tisch) which have size segregated PM. another sampler like Dekati PM Sampler, some other sampler available at personal level i.e. personal sampler for monitoring PM10 and PM2.5 , CYCLON based sampler is also available.

The question relates to the measurement of the same in stacks themselves-I believe; and not ambient air..

Dear Dr. Jain,

We have the capability and equipments to monitor PM10 and PM2.5 in flue gas. I am forwarding our details in your above mention email.

Warm regards

Sudipto Ghosh

 There is a High Volume Sampler ( Envirotech APM 460 NL) for PM 10, which collects RSPM on Glass fiber Filter paper. I can send more info to you.


Dear Dr. Jain,

Please peruse above link and look specifically at methods 201, 201A, and 202. These are very sensitive tests and require operators with significant lab and field experience to achieve reliable results. You may also want to pay attention to Mercury controls from your stacks. In general, these methods are used to establish permit limits or assess compliance with such limits.

If you are interested in monitoring for reporting purposes, CEMs, available from many vendors may be a viable option.

Good luck and best regards,


As per govt. of India's norms (CPCB or any State Pollution Control Board) , PM 10 and 2.5 r measured in ambient air , not in flue gas.

If you want measure for optimizing operational parameters, then it must not be PM 10 or 2.5.

the particulate size analysis in flue gas (stack gas ) is a different kind of monitoring done with specific equipment which will give u size distribution with interval of 10micron down the line.





Please, refer CPCB's web site.Central pollution Control Borad has published guidline for ambient air quality monitoring, where you will find all required information.IF it is flue gas, then you need to measure PM only, if it is ambient air, then you need to measure Pm 10 & PM 2.5.


Sir please find the attached document. I hope you get some idea from this document.


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