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How to prevent wetland of Pumpa river in Kerala at Aranmula being converted to an Airport?

Hi frineds,

I am Josekumar from Kerala bring this case to attention of all concerned with conservation of wetland.

The story is a flood plain of River Pumpa at Aranmula of Pathnamthitta Dist of Kerala state is being converted as an Airport. For deatails of this group please log on www. The airport said to be registered as a corporate company claim to have EIA clearance and Environmental clearance form Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt of India. The entire wetland was garbed by this agnecy from farmers few years back with nominal rate. they also manged to notify these area by previous Govt of Kerala for industrial investment. The promoters of the project are: Kumaran. K, B.E., M.B.A (USA;Gigi George, F.C.A & Sanmugam. P. V, B.E. The promoters claim Reliance as strategic partner having 15% investment.

Consider these facts; 1. This 450hctrs of the project area is a wetland and flood plains of Pumpa river on its left bank. Traditionally this is "puncha nilam"(in malayalam).

2. This flood plain is contributing the perennial water source to river Pumpa during summer months and is supporting the source of fresh water for Kuttanad area of Alleppy dist of Kerala.

3. This area is the breeding ground for the freshwater fish population of River pumpa, some of them are endemic, no study of faunal diversity is done by any agencies till now.

4. This area is also breeding ground of the fresh water prawn. My grand parents used to collect rare prawns and fishes from this wet lands.

 Aranmula is well connected to Trivandrum and Cochin airport; only 110 k.m from Trivandrum International Airport and 145 k.m from Cochin International Airport and is well connected by road.And rail connection is only 10 km from Chengannur. By road it takes 2.5 hrs & 3 hrs respectively.

Does this airport project worth to damage this unique flood plains/wet land of pumpa river?

How to save this wet land form shortsighted real estate vendors?

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Hi, Thanks for highlighting this. I shall bring this to the notice of my colleagues at India Water Portal.

At Kolkata, we have had similar problems for decades. The Eastern Wetlands are not only a Ramsar protected site, but the eastward slope of land towards the Wetlands region is a major factor of the city not being inundated during monsoonal high water level of the Hooghly. Constructions sharks have been filling up the wetlands for years, but thankfully media hype brought pressure on the Government and call to attention has finally put a stop to this.

As I see it, you need to create plenty of media hype and engage social activists to bring pressure upon the authorities.

And of course, we all need to spread awareness about the wetlands as a significant part of our biome, stressing needs to conserve, irrespective of population explosion, speedy development or whatever.

Goa airport is a similar drive away, but has it affected its economical progress or tourist explosion? No. So am sure lack of an airport at Aranmula is not going to make much difference.

Dr. Saab, Its really one of the big problems. Ecological significant areas are under threat.

Dear Sangeetta,

thank you for the comment. Can we identify any group to lobby for our stand at MoEF

Sangeeta Deogawanka said:

Hi, Thanks for highlighting this. I shall bring this to the notice of my colleagues at India Water Portal.

At Kolkata, we have had similar problems for decades. The Eastern Wetlands are not only a Ramsar protected site, but the eastward slope of land towards the Wetlands region is a major factor of the city not being inundated during monsoonal high water level of the Hooghly. Constructions sharks have been filling up the wetlands for years, but thankfully media hype brought pressure on the Government and call to attention has finally put a stop to this.

As I see it, you need to create plenty of media hype and engage social activists to bring pressure upon the authorities.

And of course, we all need to spread awareness about the wetlands as a significant part of our biome, stressing needs to conserve, irrespective of population explosion, speedy development or whatever.

Goa airport is a similar drive away, but has it affected its economical progress or tourist explosion? No. So am sure lack of an airport at Aranmula is not going to make much difference.

I think your local organisation Prakruthi Samrakshana Sauhruda Vedi (PSSV) is already engaged in protests. Wetland Activism Collective is an international platform. THE HINDU is one publication that could highlight this. Historically, for every such protest, a local body formed specifically for this purpose (like the Save Pallikaranai Marshland Forum) 'usually' proves effective, for lobbying with the Govt.

As part of the scientific community, engaging the local youth /students of environmental studies is another option. Some options...

Dr Jose, the Govt rarely responds unless there is a potential threat of agitation or media hype. Take the Goa mining exploitation for example!

I agree with Sangeeta. The first thing you should do is to get published this issue in a local newspaper, and perhaps invite a news channel too. You might be surprised at the support you receive.

Good luck!

This is really needless project......when people have access to two airports, then what is the use of making another one? Secondly, how come MoEF has given the approval such project which has not done the species diversity studies and what about the SIA, whats the use of doing specific accreditation for specific  consultancies when they are also fed to the money. Its just like you tagged a high price to a local mart product.

for sure this is a needless project but you should also think for the officials and leaders of our country.They will die of hunger if they don't certify these kind of projects.

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