to Indian Environment Market
Can anyone tell me about how to reduce the high TDS (12000 PPM) water from the final discharge of ETP.
Since its from ETP you have to mention the source of generation, qnty generated everyday, weather the treated ETP is to be reused or its discharged, coz' without knowing other parameters like BOD, COD, silica, etc we cannot just say RO system is the only solution, RO system maybe a part of the process.
Stand to be corrected.
Use RO with pump pressure 600 psi and use forced evaporation followed by solar evaporation for reject. I had designed and using this system succesfully for one of our client having TDS 7000 to 14000 mg/l.
Kindly give all the parameters(Ph,tds,tss,oil and grees bod,cod) then only we get clear answer you only mentioned TDS based on this no body can tell exact answer.
All above mention responses are solutions for the mention problem.........but before reach to any solution it will be better to analyze the possibility of the following..
1. is this high TDS water can be diluted by other emanating waste water (domestic / other) from idustry
2. is this high TDS water can be utilized in other process
3. Degree of dilution in other process use
4. possibility to send the same in cooling tower reservoir
5. and many other way to.... this help you adopt suitable capacity of RO / Volume
it is not always necessary to install RO unit for entire high TD water if we can reduce the volume of High TDS will help in cost reduction/ life of RO and many other benefits
Can any one guide me. What with domestic water with TDS 440? I was using UV and UF Protection, though there is still problem with bacteria leading to health issues!
as we know the problem associated with UV is regeneration of bacteria and efficiency depends up on clarity of water, it may be the possible cause of health issues.
the other solution you may adopt use Chlorine disinfection (hypo chlorate / other salts) followed by ACF and then UF.
i am sure you will get desire results. i also mention that the TDS is not higher because the limit is is suitable for drinking.(UF can be remove) its up to you what TDS level you desired..
UV and UF is the good combination to avoid bacteria & viruses
1. UV will fail if water is turbid & life/make of UV bulb is important
2. UF may fail if regularly chlorinated water is fed ( or contain other oxidizing agents) which is the case with municipal supply. This happens because ACF will exhaust faster in chlorinated water.
As mentioned by Dr Pawan following combination is good for 440 TDS
Micron Cartridge filter (MCF)--->Activated carbon filter(ACF)----> UF----> UV---. end use.
Do not store water for longer times instead fill new container for usages. For few hours storage, on safer side copper jug can be used which minimizes regeneration of bacteria. Do change the MCF regularly if raw water is contaminated & ACF if water is chlorinated.
Do check & clean the storage vessels as it is the most important and neglected factor in water treatment and usage
Since its for domestic use pl. go for RO system, further TDS 440ppm is not an issue. RO sys wd give a better life with low maintenance with only drawback being reject water being generated. The reject water TDS will be approx 650 - 700ppm & this can be reused for other domestic use.
To prevent scales formation with both feed water & with reject water use, you can use Electromagnetic Water Conditioner (EWC), this wd prevent scale formation & wd remove existing scales formed. It is very much cheaper than softener with almost nil maintenance. If interested mail us & we wd send you product brochure & application pics.
Sireesha Patnaik said:
Can any one guide me. What with domestic water with TDS 440? I was using UV and UF Protection, though there is still problem with bacteria leading to health issues! -online webportal to network and do business and philanthropy with Indian Environment Organizations and Professionals
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Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.
Created by Chandra Kishore Oct 5, 2009 at 3:19pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Apr 29, 2011.
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