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Any one have a master plan for Solid waste management in village level or any type material related to solid waste management in village level. My email.Id.

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Sir, this in regard of job or project?

I dont think there can be an elaborate treatment facility for SW at the village level considering the waste quantity and financial and technical needs to set up and run such facility.At the best vermicomposting can be employed to treat the waste but the crux is the plastic and other wastes which will have to be segregated at source failing which the facility may not work properly.All India Instt.of Local self Mumbai have reports on village level SW management which can be gathered from their web site.Give a try.

Ya sure, we can help you to manage the waste at village level. Kindly mail me details of the village population,how big the village is, waste audit report if any, etc. at you can also call me at 9032322020

Attached is the solid waste management scheme at village level of mining areas. It may be useful.

Hello Mr. Ali,

Could you please provide more information on solid waste generated in the village. Are we talking about house hold biodegradable vegetables/fruits/etc.? and/or sewage waste? If you can provide me more information may be can suggest some treatment methods.

Sunil Kulkarni

I did'nt see any attachment. If you are not able to add the attachment, do send it to us at and we will upload it for you. Best IEN Team.

Raj Shekhar Singh said:

Attached is the solid waste management scheme at village level of mining areas. It may be useful.

Hello Sir,
I m talking about household biodegradable and non biodegradable waste. Such as ( vegetable,fruit,paper,polytene.etc in village.

Kindly upload the attachment as it is not seen.

Chandra Kishore said:

I did'nt see any attachment. If you are not able to add the attachment, do send it to us at and we will upload it for you. Best IEN Team.

Raj Shekhar Singh said:

Attached is the solid waste management scheme at village level of mining areas. It may be useful.

After so many years of no management in villages do we really see the huge heaps of solid waste creating so much problem? If not, we will probably get the answer after studying the sample villages.

why cant we have a try, these days villagers too think about environmental issues, soo y cant we ask them to segregate biodegradeble waste and have a biogass plant installed foe power supply. plastic and non- biodegradeble waste collected every 15days once to send to recycle. depending upon population and waste generated. biogass plant can defenetly be a good idea.

Surely, we have a suitable options for SW in village. 1) Daily Composting machine, the first lot of dry organic compost will come out in 13 days, then after - daily. In all 13 days you can keep loading machine with SW. machine available from 25 kg. - to - 2000 kg. No man power required, maintenance cost is just 0.30 per kg/day. 2) 1000 kg. SW will be able to generate energy for 100 street lights.

I'll send presentation if anybody interested.

dharmender singh said:

mam plz send presentation it will be highly useful for us.

Mrs. Lata Jha said:

Surely, we have a suitable options for SW in village. 1) Daily Composting machine, the first lot of dry organic compost will come out in 13 days, then after - daily. In all 13 days you can keep loading machine with SW. machine available from 25 kg. - to - 2000 kg. No man power required, maintenance cost is just 0.30 per kg/day. 2) 1000 kg. SW will be able to generate energy for 100 street lights.

I'll send presentation if anybody interested.


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