to Indian Environment Market
Why we cannot start Baseline data collection for EIA study as per model TOR by simply informing to MoEF about project & giving them undertaking that whatever decided by EAC/SEAC will be incorporated and addressed into EIA/EMP Report - This will shorten the EIA study time & ultimately project development time – Express your views
The biggest laugh is that there is no fundamental difference in the TOR issued to any industry. If industries feel this as a stepping stone to malpractice introduction there is no exaggeration. If we consider the delay caused it is something between 2-3 months.
In this era of information explosion why at all some one is expected to present the matters physically. This entire process can be made to work online. See many States PCBs are having this process online. Step by step questions can be asked and information can be submitted online.
If State PCBs can manage this thing with their limited resources, why MoEF cannot? This is nothing but increasing the complexity of the problem when simpler solution is at doorstep.
Proponent /Applicant can start baseline data, But after getting ToR from SEAC/MoEF, We get direction to conduct baseline & other related study. Hence baseline data can not be collected for EIA studies before TOR approval from MoEF
Dear All,
Since model EIA format is given, it is not necessary to approve a separate ToR. Looking at the time line, how is it possible to get round the year data within a short time span, unless the people involved assume godly powers as in the past? weather data and hydrology data related to major projects cannot be acquired in limited time. Instead, the initially reported EIA may be called draft and the approved one with amendments as final EIA. -online webportal to network and do business and philanthropy with Indian Environment Organizations and Professionals
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Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.
Created by Chandra Kishore Oct 5, 2009 at 3:19pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Apr 29, 2011.
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