to Indian Environment Market
Dear All,
From the little experience and knowledge I have gained in these years, I would like to add my views after reading all the experts views and comments.
In my opinion, EIA reports are not manipulative. Impact Assessment is done by experts based on various assumptions and experiences. Except for some parts its also not quantative. Its qualitative. Different persons may have different opinions of same facts. (e.g. In a class, all pupils are taught the same syllabus and given the same questions, but the answer from each pupil differs, and based on the same one student scores full marks and one gets lower, depending on the understanding of the student of the subject). EIA report cannot fall in categ, say 2+2=4, its based on assumptions/justifications, how best one justifies the impact;
I agree that few cases have been reported of purposely/mistakingly hiding of some crucial facts/ground truth and same are facing the music.
I would like like to bring to the notice of all and repsected Dr. Pillai, that Govt.of India(MoEF) has already implemeted most the the things suggested by him.
QCI has been engaged to acredit the EIA consultants/professionals in turn (sector wise and work wise)
MoEF has prepared standard guidelines for preparing the EIA for each sector.
EIA is being prepared based on Guidelines given by the MoEF in its Terms of reference (TOR).
Professionals engaged for different activities is diclosed by the consultants.
Futher to Respected Mr. Saxena, who said that "In order to get realistic EIA, we may adopt the procedure followed in other developed countries where the EIA is being carried out by the Ministry themselves through empanelled authorized consultants. Till the project proponents are engaging consultants, we may not get right kind of EIA reports." Sir, EIA is now conducted by Authorize consultants only (Authorize for diff sectors by QCI). It is the same people that will do EIA, I don;t understand why we need a stick, being a serious consulttant if you understand your responsibility and understand the seriousness of the project/env even that stick is not required. Being a consultant if your are saying this wht if MoEF authorize you for the same work, you will deliver the right thing.
Regarding the Copy-Paste Technology, again i will say that Individual people is to be blamed neither the consultant nor the client, consultants gen engage people with lesser qualifications and trust them to deliver the results and doesn't have any check for quality. But now, that also being ckecked by QCI by its acreditation scheme.
We are now definitely getting Good EIA/EMP reports. India has worked a lot iun this regard, 3 cheers for India and MoEF.
Though, time and space is limited, Iwill end my discussion here, and hope i have conveyed my views appropriately.
Though, time and space is limited, Iwill end my discussion here, and hope i have conveyed my views appropriately.
This is exactly the reason why environmental professionals [including me] are often turned away from working in India, and have to go find jobs elsewhere! Just imagine what could be achieved if people use their intelligence in doing something useful for society, than finding contorted ways to shoot the breeze around regulations! I'm sick of corrupt ignoramuses like them, and wonder if I will ever be able to work in India if situations continue to be so discouraging.. hopefully, things will get better while Minister Ramesh works for us..
You should not make this general statement about the environmental professionals working outside India; I have worked in different countries but finally I am coming home next year.
Believe me, there are several opportunities in India for a professional to explore, why just EIA? EIA is a compliance requirement and what you expect from a devil’s lawyer?
Vinodh Valluri said:This is exactly the reason why environmental professionals [including me] are often turned away from working in India, and have to go find jobs elsewhere! Just imagine what could be achieved if people use their intelligence in doing something useful for society, than finding contorted ways to shoot the breeze around regulations! I'm sick of corrupt ignoramuses like them, and wonder if I will ever be able to work in India if situations continue to be so discouraging.. hopefully, things will get better while Minister Ramesh works for us..
Dear Dr KSM Rao
It is interesting to look at your views / comments on EIA Reports. To keep up the reports away from any
manipulation, we may think of any fool proof system /idea. One of it cam to my mind is as below:
" The final copy of Approved Report MAY NEED TO BE REGISTERED THRO A BODY Say (sub registrar of land records or suitable authority) just like any other PROPERTY DOCUMENT REGISTRATION. We may think of moving this concept @ ministry level to make it as a G.O /practice that all approved EIA reports by SEIA/MoEF may be registered at a desingted registry IN BOTH HARD /SOFT form ( scanned pages).
Days may not be far off even to create a separate REGISTRY FOR EIA reports in our country. Indirectly EIA becomes backbone of Industrial /economical /social development of a nation.... such an important document. Hence, we scientists/engrs / experts / consultants in this field may think on this further to protect the very purpose of professional practice in all the ways ensuring that WHAT IS GIVEN IN REPORT IS PRACTISED IN spirit & writing /practiceses..... Hope you may like to discuss further on this being one of the EIA expert in India..
My special regards to you as i worked with you in your team in 1994-95..........
Dr. K.S.M.Rao said:
While conceding that EIA reports have been manipulative hitherto, with the rejection of reports of power plant for Nagarjuna, rejection of report of Vedanta at Langigarh and raising doubts about the POSCO reports, it is but clear that manupulated reports do not stand the test of time.
It has been a belief that once a report is submitted, and an environmental clearance the job of the report is over, no longer so. EIA reports are now to be considered as long term asset (if good) and long term liability if it has been manipulated by consultants/ proponent.
if this fact is realised, I am sure good quality reports will emerge since no one would want to hold a report which has the potential to be reopened and questioned in the long run. This could have implications on the business of the consultant as well as on the reputation of the developers. -online webportal to network and do business and philanthropy with Indian Environment Organizations and Professionals
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Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.
Created by Chandra Kishore Oct 5, 2009 at 3:19pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Apr 29, 2011.
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