to Indian Environment Market
“Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles and all the years you have lived”.
- Helen Keller (Blind and deaf educator, 1880–1968)
My children often smile indulgently on our visits to the local library, not because they accept my love of reading (they are avid readers also), but because they find it amusing when I tell them that the library we frequent in Mumbai reminds me of the University department I studied at miles away…
ContinueAdded by Mahazareen Dastur on October 22, 2014 at 8:57am — 3 Comments
Over the centuries, advances in science and technology have driven mankind to become what it is today. The wheel, the compass, the printing press, soap, the telephone, the light bulb, penicillin, electricity, the internet, … all of these inventions can be named in the same breath, given the manner in which they have transformed the way we live today. But there is much more to come! Here are (what I would like to think) possible future breakthroughs for the near and distant future that…
ContinueAdded by Mahazareen Dastur on June 11, 2014 at 3:27am — 1 Comment
Added by Mahazareen Dastur on October 18, 2013 at 10:47am — 2 Comments
Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America said, “The only things certain in life are death and taxes”. But there is a third certainty in life too and that is garbage (or “solid waste”, if we want to get technical). The smelly stuff we chose to keep out of sight, and hence out of mind, is a reality that needs urgent attention with each passing day.…
Added by Mahazareen Dastur on July 17, 2013 at 11:16pm — 2 Comments
Added by Mahazareen Dastur on March 27, 2013 at 10:40am — 9 Comments
When Kevin Carter, a South African photojournalist, photographed a vulture stalking a dying child in Sudan in 1993, many expressed outrage. After all, vultures are looked upon as reviled, foul things, and Carter himself was reviled for having done nothing to help the child. Notwithstanding the outrage, the photographer went on to win a…
Added by Mahazareen Dastur on March 3, 2013 at 12:34am — No Comments
This morning, I had the pleasure of attending a lecture given by Dr. Dilafruz Williams. Dr. Williams is founding director of the Leadership in Ecology, Culture, and Learning program and of the Learning Gardens Laboratory at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. She also co-founded the Environmental Middle School (grades 6-8) in 1995, which has now expanded to K-8 Sunnyside Environmental School in Portland Public…
ContinueAdded by Mahazareen Dastur on January 16, 2013 at 8:04am — 4 Comments
I generally do not rely on the Times of India (TOI) to give me my daily dose of useful, thought-provoking information, but the TOI did really get it right today! Page 24 carries two such thought-provoking write-ups. One is a column called Swaminomics by Swaminathan S Anklesaria Aiyar and the other an interview of Joseph Stiglitz, one of the few economists with the foresight to predict the financial crisis of 2008.
So what pearls of wisdom do…
Added by Mahazareen Dastur on October 21, 2012 at 9:00am — 3 Comments
Added by Mahazareen Dastur on September 30, 2012 at 5:22am — 7 Comments
Added by Mahazareen Dastur on June 6, 2012 at 1:56am — 1 Comment
Most of us have heard the saying "don't believe everything you read". Most of us are used to the Nigerian "help me, I am stranded without money in a foreign country" scam, as well as "forward this mail to ten people and be blessed forever" emails. Hopefully, most of us do not believe what we read, at least, not in such cases.
So when I read about the wonderful miracles Bt Cotton was performing for the poor farmers of Maharashtra, I was skeptical.…
ContinueAdded by Mahazareen Dastur on May 14, 2012 at 2:57am — 2 Comments
Information about the book: The politics of climate change and the global crisis: mortgaging our future •by Praful Bidwai • Orient Blackswan • Rs 750
Ever since climate change and its probable effects on earth became common knowledge, much has been written about the topic. The world has been riveted by various climate change…
ContinueAdded by Mahazareen Dastur on May 4, 2012 at 11:54pm — 2 Comments
Of late, I have been thinking that one day goes by without a newspaper carrying an article or story related to environmental issues. If you live in India (like I do), such news is more often than not (very) depressing. After reading numerous such stories, I (almost) started questioning myself about whether anything "can go right" when it comes to environmental concerns. So, this morning, when I picked up the latest issue of Saudi Aramco World magazine and flipped through it, I was…
ContinueAdded by Mahazareen Dastur on March 20, 2012 at 1:00am — No Comments
“The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.”
― C. S. Lewis
With the introduction of Environmental Studies in the Indian educational…
ContinueAdded by Mahazareen Dastur on March 8, 2012 at 6:30am — 1 Comment
One usually reads environmentally depressing news about cell phones - the ewaste they generate, the prospect of dangerous radiation they (probably) emit, and the…
ContinueAdded by Mahazareen Dastur on February 27, 2012 at 10:50pm — 4 Comments
Added by Mahazareen Dastur on February 20, 2012 at 5:30am — 1 Comment
I have often wondered whether I am doing the right thing by using anything that looks like plastic or buying anything remotely associated with it. Let's think about it... the packaged lentils we buy, the nylon and polyester we wear, the Amul milk the kids have each morning, the rain coats they use in the rains, the books I order off (they come shrink-wrapped in clingfilm), the computer you are using to read this blogpost, bullet-proof vests (nope, I don't need those but I…
ContinueAdded by Mahazareen Dastur on February 10, 2012 at 3:43am — 5 Comments
I know... the title sounds a tad(!) odd. After all, what does chocolate have to do with Corporate Social Responsibility and/or eco-cities? The answer might surprise you.
The original chocolate giant had humble beginnings. Established by a draper in Birmingham in the early nineteenth century, the small business saw many downs before it rose to become the chocolate empire to contend with in the late 1800s. Being staunch…
Added by Mahazareen Dastur on January 16, 2012 at 9:00pm — No Comments -online webportal to network and do business and philanthropy with Indian Environment Organizations and Professionals
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Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.
Created by Chandra Kishore Oct 5, 2009 at 3:19pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Apr 29, 2011.
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