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I have been wondering how a building is rated as green building.... the organization may list down there fulfill needs like optimum use of energy.. use of solar device or else terrace gardening..... but the thing is that why should not we see the amount of steel use which is manufacture from the iron ores that are produce from ores mining... and mining means digging of earth core which lead to earth exploitation .. and the amount of cement.. which   means crushing of lime stone and many minerals...,brick , crushed stone bombing of many rocky mountains .. etc..

Every people know about these concern's but no one is steping ahead to the government because India is lacking behind in infrastructure due to the growth of population but if will not stop these concrete jungle's how to make the environment green....

May my writing is raw but i just want to contribute my views and concern about the exploitation of our earth ,as i am a architecture student we should come forward with new techniques which may help to our environment n our future generation may see green world.

We should also discusses about vernacular techniques as well some short of technology which will prove to  be a booming in coming future in construction buildings..

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GREEN BUILDINGS construction should not only concentrate on energy efficiency during construction it should have a biodigestor, roof gardening, solar heaters, where in maximum renewable resource is utilised during the use of the building ALSO... 



i agree with your an architecture student i knew or studied about it and more to be studing in comming years but looking towards the environment i feel ashame to become and architect... where we plan a building and look after the material used.. i just want the help of you pepole who can gave me better advice and personal opinion about the material used in the construction should be minimised or to find alternate material.. or some else solution....


with regards

manas rajkumar


I truly agree to Mr  Manas , in the name of going green , yes we are creating concrete  jungle.

What is meant by green /alternative that are comparatively eco friendly . But what is needed right now is assess  ecological balance of all the  environment  and select alternative that contributes naturally in the process of environment . Not for those alternative that contributes to the toxicity after 20 years ( artificial grass land, artificial tree/artificial flowers /plam tree at all places to copy Dubai/ multicolor wall paper that drive away the birds  and reflect the sunlight .

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