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Dear All,

The latest developments at the international negotiation arena has given a new pathway for the progress of COP 15. From the theme of "Road to Copenhagen" the negotiators are thinking on "Road from Copenhagen." The whole post Poznan process, which involved a lot of resources and carbon footprint has extended its roadmap beyond Copenhagen. Now the UNFCCC stakeholders have started thinking on the way forward and surrendered to US strategies. meaning thereby that COP 15 is going to be unsuccessful. I have my reservations on using the term "failure" for this outcome because at least from now on most of the countries will show their cards on the table and the major part of negotiation will involve stretching and squeezing to fix the puzzle over the next year.

I would appreciate a healthy discussion from all the members on what should be the strategy of global community on its "Road from Copenhagen" pathway.

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lol......nothing will come out of Copenhagen for sure. It will only lay foundation for Mexico talks. UK has also denied the fund transfer and our environment minister give useless statements in press everyday.

I will be participating in COP 15. Please read for updates during copenhagens talks.


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