Announcing faculty positions at the level of Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
(Exceptional candidates without a Ph.D. may be considered for the post of Lecturer)
Areas of specialization
1. Plant Biotechnology
2. Science and Policy of Climate Change
3. Telecommunication/Transportation Policy and Management
4. Information Technology and Management
5. Governance/Institutions
6. Politics of Regulation
7. International Trade
8. Public Health Policy
9. Finance
10. Microfinance
11. Municipal Management
12. Municipal Finance
13. Operations Management
14. Organizational Behaviour
15. Managing Negotiations
16. Project Management and Control
17. Strategic Management
18. Business Communication
19. Management of Oil and Natural Gas Business
20. Power systems and Power Plant Engineering
21. Energy Systems Engineering
22. Combustion and Thermodynamics
23. Design of heat transfer and Combustion Equipment
24. Wind Energy Engineering
25. Solar Photovoltaic Technology
Essential qualifications and experience for the posts on offer are:
Plant Biotechnology:
PhD and minumum of 2 years post doctoral experience in plant Biotechnology / Plant Molecular Biology.
Expertise in concepts relating to Immunochemistry, Bioinformatics and Computational Biotechnology.
Statistics and Quantitative Methods: An outstanding academic record with a Doctoral degree in applied statistics/applied economics with specialisation in statistical and econometric methods. In addition, the applicant must have a master’s degree in the above or related disciplines (or BE/B. Tech.) with first class or equivalent (in terms of grade). Applicants should be able to demonstrate both an excellent academic record and a flair for teaching students at the post-graduate level. Research interest and experience in quantitative methods and/or statistical applications will be preferred. He/she should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational innovation and design of new courses and curricula.
The applicant should be willing to teach courses across a wide range of probability, statistics and quantitative methods to research students and master’s students. The person will be expected to teach courses relating to the following areas: probability distributions, sampling theory, tests of hypothesis, regression, econometric methods, research methodologies and quantitative tools and techniques, participatory research methods and decision tools for cost-benefit analysis. He/she should be aware of the latest software packages and should be able to effectively integrate them into the curriculum at the University. He/she would conduct academic and sponsored research, supervise students’ projects and Ph.D. students, and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
Science and Policy of Climate Change: An outstanding academic record with a Doctoral degree in atmospheric /physical / chemical sciences with evidence of having worked in the inter-disciplinary aspects of climate change. The candidate must have a master’s degree (or BE/B. Tech) with first class or equivalent. He/she should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational motivation and design of new courses and curricula.
The person will be expected to teach courses related to scientific and policy aspects of climate change. He/She would conduct academic and sponsored research, supervise M. Sc., M.A., and MBA students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
Sociology/Anthropology: An outstanding academic record with a Doctoral degree in Sociology/Anthropology with specialization in Cultural Ecology. The applicant must have a master’s degree in the above or related disciplines (or B. Tech/BE) with first class or equivalent (in terms of GPA). Applicants should be able to demonstrate both an excellent academic record and a flair for teaching students at the post-graduate level. Research interest and experience in qualitative and quantitative research will be preferred. He/she should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational innovation and design of new courses and curricula.
He/she would conduct academic and sponsored research, supervise M. Sc/M.A./MBA and Ph.D. students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
Telecommunication/Transportation Policy and Management: An outstanding academic record with a doctoral degree in management/economics/ engineering economics with a focus on Telecommunications/Transportation. In addition, the candidate must have either a first class master’s degree in management or economics or a first class graduate degree in engineering or equivalent. He/she should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational innovation and design of new courses and curricula.
The person will be expected to teach courses relating to the following fields: telecom/transportation regulation, economics, policy, and management. He/she would conduct academic and sponsored research; supervise M. Sc./M.A./MBA and Ph.D. students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
Information Technology and Management: An outstanding academic record with a doctoral degree in management/engineering with a focus on Systems Management. The candidate must have a first class master’s degree in management/a first class graduate degree in engineering or equivalent. He/she should have an interests and specialization in Strategic MIS; E-business; Software engineering; databases; data communications and computer networking; data mining and computational intelligence with applications in management; decision support systems; management information systems; IT governance, internet economics; network operations.
He/she should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational innovation and design of new courses and curricula.
The candidate would conduct academic and sponsored research; supervise M. Sc./M.A./MBA and Ph.D. students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary program.
Governance/Institutions: An outstanding academic record with a doctoral degree in Political Science/Public Administration. The candidate must have a master’s degree (or BE/B. Tech.) with first class or equivalent. He/she should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational innovation and design of new courses and curricula. Experience with the development/public sector is desirable.
The person will be expected to teach courses relating to the following fields: federalism and changing patterns of governance, issues in local government administration, administrative law, public budgeting systems and public policy processes and institutions. He/she would conduct academic and sponsored research, supervise M. Sc./M.A./MBA and Ph.D. students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
Politics of Regulation: An outstanding academic record with a doctoral degree in Political Science/ Management/Economics/Engineering. The candidate must have a master’s degree (or BE/B. Tech.) with first class or equivalent. He/she should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational innovation and design of new courses and curricula.
The person will be expected to teach courses relating to the following fields: theory of regulation, administrative procedures as instruments of political control, political economy of regulation and international comparison of regulatory policy. He/she would conduct academic and sponsored research, supervise M. Sc/M.A./MBA and Ph.D. students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
International Trade: An outstanding academic record with a doctoral degree in Management/Economics. The candidate must have a master’s degree (or BE/B. Tech.) with first class or equivalent. He/she should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational innovation and design of new courses and curricula.
The person will be expected to teach courses relating to International Trade and WTO and Environment. He/she would conduct academic and sponsored research, supervise M. Sc./M.A./MBA and Ph.D. students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
Public Health Policy: An outstanding academic record with a doctoral degree in public health policy. In addition, the candidate must have post graduate qualifications in related subjects - Epidemiology/ Biostatistics/ nutrition & /or Behavioural Sciences. He/she should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational innovation and design of new courses and curricula. Experience with the development/public sector is desirable. He/she would conduct academic and sponsored research, supervise M. Sc./M.A./ Ph.D. students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
Finance: An outstanding academic record with a doctoral degree in Finance. The candidate must have a master’s degree (or BE/B. Tech) with first class or equivalent. He/she should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational innovation and design of new courses and curricula. Experience/expertise in finance of utilities and infrastructure industries would be preferred.
The candidate will be expected to teach courses relating to the following fields: principles of finance, financing of infrastructure projects, financial markets, financial aspects of mergers and acquisitions, and other courses in related fields in the academic programme of the University. He/she would conduct academic and sponsored research, supervise M. Sc./M.A. and Ph.D. students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
Microfinance: An outstanding academic record with a doctoral degree in management/economics with a focus on Microfinance. The candidate must have either a first class master’s degree in management or economics or a BE/B Tech. He/she should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational innovation and design of new courses and curricula.
The candidate would conduct academic and sponsored research; supervise M. Sc./M.A./MBA and Ph.D. students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
Municipal Management: An outstanding academic record with a doctoral degree in economics, management, or public administration with specialization in municipal management. The candidate must have a master’s degree (or a BE/B Tech) with first class or equivalent and three years of experience and/or research excluding the period of obtaining the doctoral degree. He/she should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational motivation and design of new courses and curricula. Experience with the development/public sector is desirable.
The person will be expected to teach courses related to local government administration, decentralization, urban governance; and urban infrastructure management, particularly issues related to urban water supply, sanitation, power supply, housing and transport. He/ She would conduct academic and sponsored research, supervise M.A., MBA and Ph.D. students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
Municipal Finance: An outstanding academic record with a doctoral degree in economics or management with specialization in municipal finance. The candidate must have a master’s degree with first class or equivalent and three years of experience and/or research excluding the period of obtaining the doctoral degree. He/ She should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational motivation and design of new courses and curricula. Experience with the development/public sector is desirable.
The person will be expected to teach courses related to financial management in municipal bodies; and financing of urban development projects. He/ She would conduct academic and sponsored research, supervise M.A., MBA and Ph.D. students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
Operations Management: An outstanding academic record with a doctoral degree in management/economics/engineering with a focus on Operations Management. The candidate must have either a first class master’s degree in management or economics or a first class graduate degree in engineering or equivalent. He/she should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational innovation and design of new courses and curricula.
The person will be expected to teach courses relating to the following fields: Decision Sciences, Project Management, Operations Management and Operations Research. The candidate would conduct academic and sponsored research; supervise M. Sc./M.A./MBA and Ph.D. students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
Organizational Behaviour: An outstanding academic record with a doctoral degree in management or psychology with specialization in organizational behaviour. The candidate must have a master’s degree or a BE/B Tech with first class or equivalent. He/She should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational motivation and design of new courses and curricula. Experience in not-for-profit/public sector is desirable.
The person will be expected to teach basic and advanced courses on organizational behaviour, human resource development and general management. He/She would conduct academic and sponsored research, supervise M.A., MBA and Ph.D. students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
Managing Negotiations: An outstanding academic record with a doctoral degree in management with a focus on Organizational Behavior/Strategic Management. The candidate must have either a first class master’s degree in management or a first class graduate degree in engineering or equivalent. He/she should be able to demonstrate scholarship in terms of peer reviewed publications, educational innovation and design of new courses and curricula.
The candidate would conduct academic and sponsored research; supervise M. Sc./M.A./MBA and Ph.D. students and effectively work in an inter-disciplinary environment.
Project Management and Control: An outstanding academic record with doctoral degree or equivalent in operations management/strategy with specialization in business strategy; planning; six sigma; project management applications; life cycle.
Strategic Management: An outstanding academic record with a doctoral degree or equivalent in strategic management with specialization in industry analysis; competitive strategy; corporate re-structuring & transformation; corporate governance; international management; environmental analysis; corporate planning; international business; technology transfer; legal aspects of business and corporate communication.
Business Communication: An outstanding academic record with doctoral degree or equivalent in business communication and specialization in written analysis and communication; oral communication; presentation skills; corporate communications; media and communications; public relations; cross cultural communication; negotiations; linguistics; foreign languages; innovation and creativity.
Management of Oil and Natural Gas Business: An outstanding academic record with doctoral degree or equivalent in management of oil and natural gas business with specialization in energy studies; petroleum engineering and management; economics; finance and management with a focus of the oil and natural gas sector.
Renewable Energy: Applications are invited in the following areas:
1. Power systems and power plant engineering
2. Energy systems engineering
3. Combustion and thermodynamics
4. Design of heat transfer and combustion equipment
5. Wind energy engineering
6. Solar photovoltaic technology
Candidates with working experience in this area will be preferred.
Qualifications and experience requirements for various posts
1. Professor 1) Ph.D. with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades, etc.) in the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with a very good academic record through out.
2) Minimum of 10 years of experience in teaching/research/industry of which at least five years should be at the level of Associate/Assistant Professors.
3) An outstanding Scientist/Engineer/ Technologist working in industry & who has made significant contribution to knowledge who is not having a Ph.D. degree could also be considered for appointment for the Post of Associate Professor/Professor on contract basis.
2. Associate Professor 1) Ph.D. with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades, etc.) in the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with a very good academic record through out.
2) Minimum of eight years of experience in teaching/research/industry of which at least three years should be at the level of Assistant Professors.
3. Assistant Professor 1) Ph.D. with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades, etc.) in the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with a very good academic record through out.
2) Atleast three years teaching/research/ industry experience
4. Lecturer Master’s degree with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades etc. ) in the appropriate subject, with a very good academic record throughout
Scales of pay:
1. Professor Rs 18400-500-22400
2. Associate Professor Rs 16400-450-20000
3. Assistant Professor Rs 12000-420-18300
4. Lecturer Rs 10000-325-15200
In addition, Dearness Pay, Dearness Allowance, Enhanced HRA, Proficiency allowance, CCA and other benefits would be applicable.
Indicative Total Emoluments
Total emoluments (including LTC and other annual benefits) at the lowest and highest ends of the pay scales are as follows at present: -
Lowest (in Rs) Highest (in Rs)
1. Professor 64,290/- 76,016/-
2. Associate Professor 57,427/- 67,980/-
3. Assistant Professor 44,278/- 62,747/-
4. Lecturer 38,165/- 53,409/-
The application form and further details on the posts may be obtained by sending a self-addressed envelope to Registrar, TERI University or Download Form. The cover must be super scribed “Request for Application form for the post of faculty”. Applications must be complete with full details of educational qualifications including year of obtaining Ph.D., list of publications (with reprints of the best papers), teaching/research/industrial experience along with the names and addresses of three referees, who may be requested to send their reports directly in confidence, to the Registrar, TERI University.
The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all of posts advertised.
Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview.
Mere fulfillment of the qualifications and experience requirement laid down does not entitle a candidate to be called for an interview.
No correspondence will be entertained from candidates regarding postal delays, conduct and result of interview and reasons for not being called for interview.
The candidates selected to fill the positions will be offered a renewable contract of 5 years.
Selected faculty will also be adjunct professionals in TERI and will be able to participate in TERI Projects.
For details on how to apply check: