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            Pesticide contamination of non-target plants as a result of drift is a well-known fact now-a-days. Similarly, the medicinal plants which grow nearby an area where pesticides are often applied, also encounter the same problem. A short duration study was done on pesticide drifting to three medicinal plants i.e. Centella asiatica (Thankuni)   Bryophyllum pinnatum (Dupor tenga in Assamese), and Ocimum sanctum(Tulsi) with two pesticides endosulfan and chlorpyriphos. Pesticide residue analysis revealed high levels of residue just after application up to one week or so, which gradually decreases with time. Depending on distance and days after sampling we have found that sometimes it exceeded even maximum residue limit. Pesticide drifting also affected the growth and chlorophyll content of the plants. Endosulfan proved more detrimental. 

This is worth thinking because as farmers many a times use medicinal plants for curing diseases, consumption of such contaminated medicinal plants may create negative health effects. 

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I am solely working in this field and so myself directly understand the impact concerned. Main thing to the field aspect is that farmers just bother about the fruit full economics of there crop and doesn't mind about the doss of pesticide application. One of the worse effect of small scale agriculture. Better alternatives were 'BIOPESTICIDES'

This is alarming trend. We must slowly stop pesticides and switch over to organics to save this situation. Oppose chemical lobby.

We will be glad to know about your findings if possible to share.


I am solely working in this field and so myself directly understand the impact concerned. Main thing to the field aspect is that farmers just bother about the fruit full economics of there crop and doesn't mind about the doss of pesticide application. One of the worse effect of small scale agriculture. Better alternatives were 'BIOPESTICIDES'

i really want to read more on this topic ...

Dear J.U.Krishnan,

You cannot directly make allegation on farmers.

Because "Endosulfan's chemical characteristics and behavior in the environment make it a "persistent organic pollutant," eligible for a global ban under the Stockholm Convention (as referred by

So, the good governance is required in controlling such misuse of pesticides. This requires also inclusion of knowledgeable persons in such programmes to empower governance.

Biopesticides may be the answer. But all of ourselves know about 'Betty Botter' a tounge-twister written by Carolyn Wells. Then Betty apprehended that a pinch bitter butter might spoil the whole.

Now, take our situation when we claim ourselves as able environmentalist, having sound scientific background, we remain one eyed about misuse of harmful pesticides and at the same time close another eye towards the fact that those hazardous poisons are the result of fruitful scientific endeavour of chemical laboratories followed by its introduction in the cultivation of crops through continued strides from the authority for extending such  innovation among farmers' community. 

So, considering all such facts time calls us to think about the matter in a holistic way.

Please, do not take this as a conclusion, rather we can now continue the discussion further.


I started my relation with biopesticide since from my MSc project and from there itself I have a moulded knowledge that it is not going to be in wide practice though it is effective in its bordered respects. But my thought get completely vanished now while delting with the biopesticides from cassava (tapioca) who's sole constitution is Hydrogen Cyanide its very effective and economic. I expect a doubtfull emotion in ur face since the matter is cyanide, realise the fact that all pesticides are toxins which are classified as good/bad based on its degradable capacity and systemic behaviour. Similarly HCN is also toxin but has a star value that it is a highly reactive ligand which easily degrades in nature and is non systemic also. Hoping not only for an additional income for cassava farmers but also for the sake of coming future I want to dream for a 'new green revolution'.

Dear J.U.Krishnan,

You cannot directly make allegation on farmers.

Because "Endosulfan's chemical characteristics and behavior in the environment make it a "persistent organic pollutant," eligible for a global ban under the Stockholm Convention (as referred by

So, the good governance is required in controlling such misuse of pesticides. This requires also inclusion of knowledgeable persons in such programmes to empower governance.

Biopesticides may be the answer. But all of ourselves know about 'Betty Botter' a tounge-twister written by Carolyn Wells. Then Betty apprehended that a pinch bitter butter might spoil the whole.

Now, take our situation when we claim ourselves as able environmentalist, having sound scientific background, we remain one eyed about misuse of harmful pesticides and at the same time close another eye towards the fact that those hazardous poisons are the result of fruitful scientific endeavour of chemical laboratories followed by its introduction in the cultivation of crops through continued strides from the authority for extending such  innovation among farmers' community. 

So, considering all such facts time calls us to think about the matter in a holistic way.

Please, do not take this as a conclusion, rather we can now continue the discussion further.

Agreed sir. Good info.


Dear J.U.Krishnan,

You cannot directly make allegation on farmers.

Because "Endosulfan's chemical characteristics and behavior in the environment make it a "persistent organic pollutant," eligible for a global ban under the Stockholm Convention (as referred by

So, the good governance is required in controlling such misuse of pesticides. This requires also inclusion of knowledgeable persons in such programmes to empower governance.

Biopesticides may be the answer. But all of ourselves know about 'Betty Botter' a tounge-twister written by Carolyn Wells. Then Betty apprehended that a pinch bitter butter might spoil the whole.

Now, take our situation when we claim ourselves as able environmentalist, having sound scientific background, we remain one eyed about misuse of harmful pesticides and at the same time close another eye towards the fact that those hazardous poisons are the result of fruitful scientific endeavour of chemical laboratories followed by its introduction in the cultivation of crops through continued strides from the authority for extending such  innovation among farmers' community. 

So, considering all such facts time calls us to think about the matter in a holistic way.

Please, do not take this as a conclusion, rather we can now continue the discussion further.

Here is another addendum regarding chlorpyriphos:

"EPA began phasing out non-agricultural uses of the insecticide chlorpyrifos 10 years ago because it can wreak havoc on developing brains and bodies. Chlorpyrifos (PDF) is an acute neurotoxin that remains widely used in U.S. agriculture (PDF) with about 8 million pounds applied to U.S. crops each year. Children in farming communities across the country face regular exposure to chlorpyrifos..............

PAN is working with partners, including the Farm Worker Pesticide Project, to urge EPA to complete the chlorpyrifos ban. If chlorpyrifos is too dangerous for urban kids, it’s too dangerous for rural and farmworker kids (as referred by

As against the proposition of pesticide toxicity we may read the book:

Entine, J. (Ed.). (2011). Crop Chemophobia: Will Precaution Kill the Green Revolution? The AEI Press, Washington, D.C.

(as mentioned in: 


Regarding endosulfan:

"SC bans endosulfan production, sale and use

Dhananjay Mahapatra May 14, 2011, 04.53am IST

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Friday ordered a countrywide ban on manufacture, sale and use of the cheap and popular pesticide endosulfan citing its toxic effects on humans and environment.

Applying precautionary principle to order the eight-week interim ban, the court said right to life was above all other interests and considerations and it could not "take on its head" a single child getting affected by the pesticide during the period when the Centre-appointed expert committee conducted tests to determine endosulfan's toxicity."

(as reported in:

This is very alarming trend that pesticides are found in medicinal plants. We must analyse the pesticidal constituents very carefully because it will affect entire sector. I my opinion the medicinal plants being collected from the forest are almost free from pesticides. Normally farmers are not applying pesticiedes while doing cultivation. It is coming with the water flowing over paddy fields etc.



Here is the report on drifting of pesticides. In this process pesticide particles may go ta distant place. So, it might not be possible to find pesticide-free medicinal plants from forest.

Dr. A.K.Pandey said:

This is very alarming trend that pesticides are found in medicinal plants. We must analyse the pesticidal constituents very carefully because it will affect entire sector. I my opinion the medicinal plants being collected from the forest are almost free from pesticides. Normally farmers are not applying pesticiedes while doing cultivation. It is coming with the water flowing over paddy fields etc.



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