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Bees are our greatest tiny friend that helps in increasing our crop production, give us sweet honey, wax for making candles, medicines like bee venom, royal jelly and so on. Thus beekeeping became important profession for us. To save bees various actions need to be taken. One of the action is to save bees from bee enemies, deadliest being Varroa mite which often spread like epidemic kiiling bees. An article published in an international journal on Varroa is attached and shared with hope that it will help beekeeper. 

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Interesting post but couldn't locate the referred attachment :(!

It is very much there...please click

It is very useful article. I am thankful to GOPI KANTA GHOSH and IEN for posting it. The article discuss about the detection, control and management methods in details. 

Please try to create awareness and share it beekeepers...@Nalli Sridhar Prasad Rao

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