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Dear all,

In our factory we generate 500 kg sludge in sewage treatment plant (per day). So we will plan to dispose the sludge to outside vendors. So we need license or not  for dispose the sludge??

Otherwise we need get approval from pollution control board or not ???

Kindly share your knowledge .




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you may use it as manure for plantation in your factory. It's allowable Qnty. & mode of disposal must be written in "consent to operate"by SPCB, check it.

What cost you are paying to outside vendor for sludge disposal? Based on the cost you are paying i can suggest you a better option of disposal.

Dear Yasotharan,

It is advisable not to use sludge from sewage treatment for manure use directly without processing. It needs to be composted alone or with other agricultural waste / food waste. Once u get final product, get it tested aginst parameters of manure (to check and prove its suitability for use as manure). After having this, inform about the work practice to pollution control board, they will suggest further consent amendment procedure if they feel so otherwise have communication as back up and enjoy the benefits. Thanks.

You have to take consent to operate from concerned SPCB before running  the water treatment facility. there  is a standard for disposal of the same. you have to follow the rules and guideline. as the quantity of generation is less its not economically viable to go for sludge treatment. so its better to use it in low laying area back filling. As the sludge produced from raw water treatment contains high TSS and we use chemicals like Fecl3, Alum in clarifier so the sludge is chemiclly active and may affect soils environment if we use directly on agricultural land so chemical stabilization required by adding some biodegradable materials.  

Hi ! if the sludge is non-hazardous i think we don't require to take approval from SPCB.
As per my knowledge, sewage sludge is not clearly included in consent management of SPCB. I think hazardous waste rules also not applicable. In water act, SPCB dealt mainly with outlet of sewage. Only thing you have to check that whether you mentioned sewage sludge in any application form to SPCB? If yes then you should get approval. But, as per provisions of Water Act, no one can dispose any polluting matter causing you must have to take enough care prior to disposing it outside. It is advisable that think 500 kg per day waste as wealth, go for composting and take benefits.

Try using 'BIOMAGIC' @ one Kg. per one lakh litres of sewage per day. 

It will reduce the residual sludge volume, the sludge will be odorless and

it will have better manure value.  More details on 'BIOMAGIC' can be had

direct from or +91 9952988540.

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