Indian Environment Network to Indian Environment Market

In last few decades we have seen the miss-utilization of technology by innovating non sustainable plastic packaging and promotional branding in various products. This promotional materials can neither be re cycled nor get decompose, resulting major waste problem. As there are no waste management system available in most of the cities this by products are either burned or dumped in a ground,  again resulting major hazardous environment issues.

its a request to all government organisation, manufacturing companies to immediately ban use of plastic in packaging and promotional branding.

Dear paryavaran practitionersn please ..

Read this comment and sign the petition. Dear friends please help us to promote this petition...

via @ChangeOrg_India

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Comment by Upasana Choudhry on July 16, 2016 at 8:19am

Mr Khan

On this forum you are preaching to the converted, and I am among them hence will say its a commendable effort and so on. But I have a basic question which I do not see addressed here or in the petition. When something is in use and has a certain purpose (that too large scale), and when a ban is called for, then what is the alternative that we are suggesting. A ban appeal is always more convincing and sound reasonable when you provide an alternative that is proven, affordable and available. And of course before promoting an alternative we should be sure that it does not have any negative impacts since we would not want to replace a bad with another bad.

I am also intrigued by the mention that in many cities these plastics bottles are being burned or dumped. Would you have any study or report to that effect? I would be interested in learning about the existing practices for disposing such waste. Any inputs are welcome.

Comment by Susan Sharma on July 15, 2016 at 8:42am

Signed the petition.  Also shared on facebook and twitter.

Comment by GOPI KANTA GHOSH on July 15, 2016 at 8:35am

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