to Indian Environment Market
Is CPCB/ any state board has specified limit for TDS in final effluent being disposed from any facility in particular power plant?
Can effluent containg a very high TDS of the order of 3000 ppm be put for any use?
Yes there are TDS limits precised by CPCB, and the TDS limits depend on the use of the treated wastewater.TDS of very high order as you mentioned may not be put to use as it would be unfit for any kind of use.But still we need to check on this.
The limit for TDS for disposal on land for irrigation is 1000 ppm. The company that I worked for previously had to keep up to these norms. However they did not dispose it on land,but transferred it to the CETP. That was because,the TDS never came below 2500.
3000 ppm is not exactly very high TDS. However, there are very few techniques available for proper treatment of TDS water with economic feasibility.
The conventional treatment method that would benefit you, and give you an opportunity to reuse the water would be Ultrafiltration Followed by RO. However,it is going to have a higher capital cost. I myself had conducted an experiment as a part of my M.Sc project, where we tried to utilize dried plant biomass for the removal of chlorides. We got pretty good results, but these were on lab scale. Therefore, it was'nt implemented.
This might help you. cheers...sudipto
'BIOMAGIC' - a bio-powder is effective in bringing down the
BOD., COD., TDS and TSS levels in sewage, in about 8 to
10 hours time while odor is controlled instantly on application.
Dosage for sewage is one kg. per one lac litres. It is not effective
in chemical effluents. Still, if you wish, you can give it a try. Plz.
contact me for samples.
The high TDS effluent can be recycled in process / it can be used for plant washing or dust suppression purpose over an wider area/ash slurry transporation by recycling the ash pond water / can also be used for STP or gardening with dilution.
Generally, effluent of TDS of 3000 ppm conforming other parameters to CPCB permissible limit should not have much disposal problem if viewed from properly.
There is no limit on TDS by CPCB. However, some permits put in a TDS limit of 2,100 mg/L probably based on other sources like the state regs or other regs. The limit is applied irrespective of the type of industry. -online webportal to network and do business and philanthropy with Indian Environment Organizations and Professionals
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Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.
Created by Chandra Kishore Oct 5, 2009 at 3:19pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Apr 29, 2011.
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