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Indian Environmental Services could improvise technical standards

More than 5 years past, NABET certification has yet to bring in real impact on EIA process. A recent office memo of the Ministry of Environment & Forests that reiterates onus of EIA report quality on the project proponents, has again raised doubts over quality of EIA reports. Time and again, standard of EIA reports and ethics of consultants have been questioned. What makes consultants easy scapegoat? Their softcorner towards projects or stiffling competition? Or price bargain or widely known meaningless impact of an EIA report? It is not tough to zero on the reason. It is rather difficult to value EIA reporting system. EIA reporting has really not improved with NABET scheme. Whatever improvements have happened are primarily due to requirements by Expert Appraisal Committee and more so because of easy availability of data in the information age. Having said this, it could be deduced that technical values of reports could be further improvised by increasing the standards of experts and creating a minimum consultancy fee structure. It is important to understand that the time consuming NABET process needs to be given a stop. Rather, an all India level examination could be conducted in the pattern of BEE certified Energy Managers & Auditors. Even better could be to create Indian Environmental Services (IES). All consultants, professionals in project proposing organizations, Government bodies including SPCBs & PCCs and also judiciary must pass through IES. This would certainly increase responsibility, credibility, ethical behaviour of environmental experts in government & non-govenrment sectors. Do think and start acting on this.
SK Mishra
Managing Partner

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We must act ased on why? Let us find solution...

Solution is given in the small note: -

1. Create Indian Environmental Services. UPSC conducted public services are recognized as esteem. This would ease to develop a pool of technocrats. Everywhere IES only, including Public sector or Govt.

2. Benchmark pricing pattern of EIA Consultancy

3. Ideal distribution of EIA projects by EAC / SEAC after application by project proponents. This will ensure balanced working, no hurly - burly. Consultants shall get right professional fee.

Now action essential. This is difficult to get implemented. So well networked action inevitable.

Marvelous idea, but we need to take some practical action.


Dr. Upadhyay, you are right. It is difficult to convert dream in to reality in mass scale. However, I understand when environmentalists have values, self esteem; these problems would be overcome. Also, if all positions will be taken up by professionals, be sure all gaps filled.




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