Indian Environment Network to Indian Environment Market

Dear All,


we have been discussing so many thing sharing valuable ideas and other aspects regarding minimizing pollution. But the most thing i fell is lack of team work from the efficient people like you all. i am still a learner among you but still feel that if we work together there is every possibility that we can make atlease a small change and bring awareness in the society.


We need to think a way where we can work together not on multiples tasks but targeting one after the other in a very humble and non-violent way.


Can we be become an Action team



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Buddy, the team is already there but interests are conflicting. Efforts are misplaced. Due to this the result is always violent.

Authority has been dedicated to monitor but they seldom remain focussed to their role. When you do not have focussed efforts results are always far away.

Often environmental science is mixed with other issues. Environmental Engineering is misread with science. Science has to be limited to pin pointing the issue on basis of knowledge. Finding solutions has to be business of engineers.

With scientists forcing themselves to solutions engineers are forced to resort to science. Both spoiling the matter for others. Look at the MoEF who are supposed to be the policy formers, do not have sufficient engineers itself.

Respected sir,


Rather than framing policies or looking into policy makers why not we take up one task at a time work on it take suggestion from all the experienced persons implement the same at our level.


If more than one person is located at same area then they together work to achieve the task.


The tasks may start from a school children to collegiates or teachers to professors. but only thing is we need to define one taks make an objective, approach methodology as per the locations and achieve it then there will be no conflict, i suppose.


Let me put my favourite vivekananda's quote "They only live who live for others". we may not have such strength but atleast we can make a trial. But this should go on as a team work getting advices from experienced superiors like you. Then nothing is impossible.


Dear Friends,

The current discussion and views of different person shows differences among intellectuals itself.My only point is to see ourselves first and what we as a unit can contribute to our surrounding and to our country is the main matter than blaming others which is simply a excuse and not the solution of any problem.We have see ourself first before preaching others.In this world there are number of preachers around who day and night preaches.

Dr SP Sinha 

Dr Sinha & Raghavaji,

We need to form a forum that agrees to issues which are not related to politics and/or administrations. It only needs a well-placed awareness. With small efforts from experienced people anything is possible.

We can start with may be Higher Secondary / Sr. Secondary Level and have the issues explored by younger generation with support from experts.

Some days back I met a junior whom I saw not less than 22 yrs back. He with his classmate wife remembered me from the definition of environment. It was so much pleasing that he remembered my words 'environment is what we come across from womb to tomb'.

It pleased me a lot that they remembered my definition of environment so many years later.

If I could leave an impression to an individual mind to this, so many professional, so many types of experience, so many problems - wonders are awaiting!!

Dear all
I appreciated this , we have already started to serve the society through ECOSPHERE. detail about the work which are doing by can be seen at-

So i welcome you all for this mission to "save our nature"
we all should meet together to implement actions and these replay reports aren't be the the last actions of our mother nature which is a vein. Lets gather under an association that doesn't even expect a tea break and with words which are seeds of action to make the glob green.

Welcome to ECOSPHERE


we all should meet together to implement actions and these replay reports aren't be the the last actions of our mother nature which is a vein. Lets gather under an association that doesn't even expect a tea break and with words which are seeds of action to make the glob green.
Dear ALL,

If all of us make a single simple agenda which can be achieved through school students, it will be just like a small step for a man but a giant leap for a mankind.

so lets all unite to frame a single agenda which may be the simplest but still we can make a move together without any disputes. This year is declared as year of forest. Lets begin something on this I humbly request all our environmentalist to make an single point decision so that we can start activiting. May be we are far away from one another but our thoughts are all united in a commont network- Environment.

As i am from hyderabad, anyone from hyderabad if present in IEP kindly lets form a team.


Raghav and all my dear members of IEN,


Think of what are we good at? As teachers we are good at sharing our experience and knowledge, as implementers and engineers we are good at implementing projects, as policy makers we are good at thinking at a higher level, as scientists we are good at researching.


How about imparting the skills that we are good at to the future generation, students ( both school and colleges), freshers in the environment profession who needs to learn new skills, young entrepreneurs who need support to start their own environmental venture.


I am spending so much of my precious time on Ïndian Environment Network"just to fulfill the vision of sharing the wealth of knowledge between us so that everyone is a better person in the bargain.


Here's few things that you and me and everyone here on Indian Environment Network can do together.


1. Every week share one skill, or specialized report, one white paper, synopsis on one book, one key training  business skill or one nugget of experience that you have gained as an expert in your field.  Upload it on your blog on IEN. 


2. Organize a "Chapter Meeting"of Indian Environment Network once a month in your area and share your skill and network with each other and also share it with a group of students in your area. I will be happy to give it a push. Are you willing to be the "Paryavaran"ambassador of your area. Let me know!


3. Do you have a a specific skill that you think you can use to train younger generation in your area. Indian Environment Network will be happy to give you a platform to organize training programs around you. We will also pay a fees to you for your time. I am sure many sponsors can come forward to support it. If not, I am sure the trainee students will be happy to pay a fees to have the privilege to learn from you.


4. We can also do a a yearly "National or regional meet"to help engage ourselves and work to pave way for future entrepreneurs to take our environmental agenda forward.


5. As an organization do you have a specific environmental products or services to showcase that can impact the future generation. We will be happy to take your tradeshow to every grassroots professional that is part of Indian Environment Network.


I am sure we can take few of the ideas forward.

Sear Raghava,

Your concern is genuine. Discussion is an exchange of ideas, where individuals think collectively and get more enlightenment. Actions can be taken by individuals or closely knit groups depending on the needs in the vicinity and skills and willingness of individuals. Discussions can often influence individual's way of life and cumulatively contribute to the goals.


      Very good point oriented discussion. Discussion derive good decision making.


                                                                                            Dy Director , Training Centre,

                                                                         Chennai Metroploitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board.

If we really want action, we should get onto this site and start something. What do you think? :)

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