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As per the CRZ notification 1991, NOC from the state Govt is required to get the CRZ clearance. But as per the EIA notification 14th Sept-2006 the state govt are not giving the NOCs till we get the Environmental Clearance from MoEF. How can we get the CRZ clearance.

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Yes some states are insisting on EC before issuing NOC. However, in CRZ Clearance, the Expert Committee of MoEF constituted for CRZ, is insisting on a CRZ clearance from the State Coastal Zone Management Authority (CZMA) and a CRZ map with the map of project area superimposed on it. The CRZ committee does not insist a CTE from SPCBs. However, time involved in getting these clearances is too long..
The procedure is correct. First get the CRZ Clearance from state authority and SPCB. MoEF Committee cannot make spot assessment for each project. Time delay is typical. CRZ demarcation is done on case to case basis. This takes a lot of time. This is because we in India frame rules without proper technological and administrative background. Another factor is the confidence to overcome rule once you have done some thing defying law. You can easily hold back the possession fror ever by oiling the arms of law to protect environmental encroachments. What we should have done to protect costal areas and to facilitate genuine activities:
1. Demarcate CRZ with posts and publish the map for public use. Local authorities and CZMA can easily verify the status of proposals. 2. Publish exact guidelines with engineering standards for constructions. 3. Make encroachment and illegal activities on CRZ non-bailable and punishable offence. 4. Publish all documents related to CRZ clearance in the web.

Nilanjana Rai said:
Yes some states are insisting on EC before issuing NOC. However, in CRZ Clearance, the Expert Committee of MoEF constituted for CRZ, is insisting on a CRZ clearance from the State Coastal Zone Management Authority (CZMA) and a CRZ map with the map of project area superimposed on it. The CRZ committee does not insist a CTE from SPCBs. However, time involved in getting these clearances is too long..

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