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Is there any benchmarking of MSW services in India. Different services are provided by municipalities and private companies, is there any best practices identified, so that we can try to achieve.

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From the limited documents available, it seems that there is an MSW racket operating to supply machinery. The process recommended in most cases is turned windrows, which is known to produce odour, and proliferates flies. The selection of sites itself is governed by backkick motives. There is no mechanism to control unbridled ways of politicians. Then what about engineering benchmarking?
The Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Govt. of India has set up Service Level Benchmark (SLB) for various activities of Urban local bodies. SWM is a part of it. The hand book and details are available in the following link:
Regarding best practices, it is depend on various factors like Climate, qty. and type of waste, land and human resource availability etc.
Best practices in MSW have been compiled by various NGOs, International Agencies like World Bank, UNDP, ADB.

The most relevant and useful however is the compilation being done under JnNURM.

Kindly visit the following link to download this document :

If you need more information then please let me know.
Though Jamshedpur has been judged 7th in cleanliness by the Ministry of Urban Development, GOI survey in 2009-10, i think a lot can be done. I would like to thank you for the information you provided, moreover can you suggest a location where we can visit an see in actual to see these best practices.

Dr. K.S.M.Rao said:
I draw you reference to a document " Handbook on Service Level Bench Marks" by Ministry of Urban Development, GOI where for solid waste management the bench marks are:
1. Household level coverage of solid waste management services 100%
2. Efficiency of collection of municipal solid waste 100%
3. Extent of municipal solid waste recovered/ recycled 80%
4. Extent of seggregation of municipal solid waste 100%
5. Extent of scientific disposal of municipal solid waste 100%
6. Extent of cost recovery in Solid waste management services 100%
7. Efficiency of redressal of customer complaints 80%
8. Efficiency of collection of user charges 80%
9. Extent of processing and treatment of MSW 100%

These are bench marks
Though Jamshedpur has been judged 7th in cleanliness by the Ministry of Urban Development, GOI survey in 2009-10, i think a lot can be done. I would like to thank you for the information you provided, moreover can you suggest a location where we can visit an see in actual to see these best practices.

Yaminni Verma said:
Best practices in MSW have been compiled by various NGOs, International Agencies like World Bank, UNDP, ADB.

The most relevant and useful however is the compilation being done under JnNURM.

Kindly visit the following link to download this document :

If you need more information then please let me know.

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