Centre for Science and Environment recognises Social Impact Assessment (SIA) as an important tool to inform decision makers, regulators and stakeholders about the possible social and economic impacts of a development project. To be effective, SIA requires the active involvement of all concerned stakeholders. CSE has developed a five-day training programme aimed at giving practical exposure to participants on SIA with specific reference to infrastructure, mining and other industrial projects.
The programme is designed based on the new Act, “The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013”, and will be relevant and effective for SIA practitioners, officials from state land department, municipality, district collector, sub-divisional magistrate, developers, academician, students, NGOs etc.
The objective of this programme is to build a cadre of trained professional who can conduct and review SIA reports. The programme will also impart understanding of the issues and challenges in land acquisition, enhance skills in socio-economic surveys, public consultations, data collection, planning land acquisition and rehabilitation and resettlement plan. The course would also discuss applicable central/state laws such as Panchayat (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act (PESA), The Forest Rights Act, 2006, and the Companies Acts, 2013.
What participants will learn
- Land conflicts, land classification, land rights and governance
- Better understanding of SIA
- How to make Term of References (ToRs)
- Reconnaissance and baseline survey — data need, data collection, collation and interpretation
- Development of tools and instruments to conduct SIA surveys
- Effective assessment and reporting methodologies
- Filling the Socio-Economic survey questionnaire
- Asset evaluation
- Preparation of entitlement matrix
- Review of SIA reports
- CSR framework, its reporting and case studies
- Post monitoring.
Rs 15,000 for developers, government officials and consultants, Rs 10,000 for academicians, NGOs and researcher, Rs 7,500 for students
Date: September 8-12, 2014
TIMING: 10.00 am to 5.30 pm
CSE, 41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
New Delhi – 62
August 21, 2014
SIA practitioners, officials from state land department, municipality, district collector, sub-divisional magistrate, developers, academician, students, NGOs
For details contact:
Swati Singh Sambyal, Senior Research Associate
Industry & Environment Unit
Centre for Science and Environment
41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
New Delhi-110062
Email: swati@cseindia.org
Mobile: 91 9910496283
Ph: 91-11-2995 5124 / 6110 (Ext. 251);
Fax: 91-11-2995 5879
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