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Vinodh Valluri's Blog (13)

Sustainability Frameworks for Colleges and Universities

Originally published on the EcoCloud platform.

The Higher Education industry contributes its own share to environmental and sustainability issues such as climate change, through its operations, planning, and policies. However, universities and colleges have always been breeding grounds for the latest innovations, movements, and solutions, In the recent…


Added by Vinodh Valluri on April 22, 2012 at 1:53pm — No Comments

A Global Dialogue around Campus Sustainability.

Campus Sustainability Organizations Partner to Expand Resources

Collaboration designed to enhance global higher education sustainability dialogue

York, U.K. (March 27, 2012)—With the goal of fostering a global dialogue around higher education sustainability, the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education…


Added by Vinodh Valluri on March 27, 2012 at 3:10pm — 5 Comments

Plastic good for the environment?


Plastic bags are neither a small nor a big issue. Save the trees, Use plastic?

How much more ignorant could people get? Plastic is what is choking up Mother Earth's throat!!!

What is the general intellectual understanding - that jute and cloth bags are for rich people??? What was it like in 1970s and 80s, when to carry plastic…


Added by Vinodh Valluri on June 22, 2011 at 6:11pm — No Comments

What an environmental professional should fear the most..

This article left me with a sunken feeling in the pit of my stomach - just the kind of news that makes the average monday of an environmental professional even more dreary and polluting... …


Added by Vinodh Valluri on June 13, 2011 at 2:26pm — No Comments

The loss of consciousness, and the Laws of Consciousness.


That seems to be the mood of the powers that control our planet. Mother Nature cracks Her whip mercilessly, repeatedly. Too much has happened in the North American eco-region within the last few months to discount the necessity for a humble analysis. Texas cried, praying with a parched throat, as wildfires ravaged more than a million of acres of land.. and rain…


Added by Vinodh Valluri on May 24, 2011 at 4:58pm — 1 Comment

The loss of consciousness, and the Laws of Consciousness.

Nearly four years of living in America, and not even a single cup of milk that is completely guiltless. Yes. From Arlington, TX, to Lexington, KY, it has been difficult for me to find compassion, purity, and love in milk. Petaluma, where I live, is a place of farms and fertile soil, cows and land - the original wealth of men. So, it was not a surprise when I found the best plain milk I had in the last four years of living in the US coming from … Continue

Added by Vinodh Valluri on April 8, 2011 at 1:23pm — 1 Comment

Winter is here..

Not a lot of people like this season. I myself claim to have a complicated love-hate relationship with Winter, loving the delightful snow-scapes, and grunting at the surprisingly deep reach of those icy winds. Too bad, it takes a lot of determination to wake up early enough to appreciate the depth and clarity of mornings' freshest thoughts written in the sobering gray sky.. There is no real beauty in this world, but merely infinite…


Added by Vinodh Valluri on December 5, 2010 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

Blending boundaries

Can a synthesis of scientific temper and spiritual wisdom generate global ethics and solve the socio-environmental (and consequently,…


Added by Vinodh Valluri on November 16, 2010 at 7:32pm — 3 Comments

Water, water everywhere.. not a drop to drink...

This post is in relation to World Blog Action Day 2010, i.e., today! The topic for this year is clean water. Check out BeyondTheElements to sign petition requesting UN to make provisions for equitable access to clean water, especially in underprivileged nations.

Have you ever…

Added by Vinodh Valluri on October 15, 2010 at 2:02pm — 4 Comments

Take 2: The re-doing of everthing environmental.

The environmental movement took birth in the United States of America in

the 1960's, about the same time as several social 'upheavals'. Decades

since the clarion calls of Bhopal, 'love canal', 3-mile Island, Rachel

Carson, and Aldo Leopold, the environmental movement of today looks like

'she' has crossed her teenage years. Well past her young adult life, it

looks like 'she' feels like an old aunt, or an ignored grandmother, or a

similar maternal figure in whom… Continue

Added by Vinodh Valluri on October 7, 2010 at 8:30am — 3 Comments

Life and death in a greening world.

Remember the feeling in your guts during a roller-coaster ride in an amusement park? Hold it in mind when you read the following. This week in Ancient Futures, we delve into a territory far more thrilling, and yet less amusing, to most people. For those of us who desist from discussing death and its after-effects, this will be an uncomfortable read. For those of you who are wondering why 'death' needs discussion on arena where environmental sustainability topics are the clear focus, this will… Continue

Added by Vinodh Valluri on September 23, 2010 at 8:30am — 2 Comments

Enigmatic Analogues

One of my favorite professors at school, Dr. Tim Henry, who practiced dentistry for a while, and now teaches anatomy & physiology, amongst other subjects, lent form to a nebulous idea that had been floating in my mind for a long time. He views the imbalance on our planet akin to imbalance in our body - disease as a dangerous shift from a stable condition of health or…


Added by Vinodh Valluri on August 5, 2010 at 8:00pm — 2 Comments

Of sin, atonement, and carbon offsets

I will keep matters simple by reassuring you of one thing before any drama builds up to a disconcerting crescendo. There are no religious overtones herein, the theme of what follows is very much iconoclastic. You see, the issue - one of sin and atonement on a planet of mortals - deems no deeper analysis than things Divine would summon.

Humanity is sinning against reason…

Added by Vinodh Valluri on July 23, 2010 at 12:08pm — No Comments

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