Have you heard this line from John Donne’s poem, “No man is an island unto himself”…..
Few words but with a real heavy meaning!
My logic deciphers the inner meaning of the above line as follows: We all belong to nature and our daily activities are tuned to the rhythms of the ecological system that we find ourselves in…Hence, a distortion in this system caused by our activities today, might act as a boomerang for us in the near future. For example, the impounding…
Added by Sreemoyee Chakraborty on April 30, 2012 at 7:33am —
Greetings from IDSAsr and a very good morning
Guru Arjan Dev Institute of Development Studies is proposing to bring out a special issue on:
Policy Intervention in CDM and carbon Market: Indian Experiences.
It will be highly appreciated if you please submit a story/research paper to be included in this proposal. It will be published by the end of this year.Paper can be submitted at…
Added by Dr Gursharan Singh Kainth on April 28, 2012 at 6:03pm —
1 Comment
क्या कभी आप लोगों ने सोचा कि आखिर पृथ्वी जैसा ग्रह ही मनुष्यों के लिए जीवन जीने के अनुकूल क्यों है? नहीं!! मैं बताता हूँ क्योंकि पृथ्वी पर पाया जाने वाला वातावरण अन्यत्र किसी ग्रह के पास नहीं है. अगर यह वातावरण नहीं होता तो पृथ्वी पर दिन और रात का तापमान अपने न्यूनतम एवं अधिकतम मान से कहीं ज्यादा ऊपर या नीचे होने कि संभावना रहती. इसी वातावरण के कारण ही पृथ्वी पर सुखद एवं बेहतर पर्यावरण का निर्माण संभव हुआ.
अब आप सोचेंगे यह पर्यावरण क्या है?? पर्यावरण अर्थात हमारे (मनुष्य के)…
Added by Ashutosh Kumar Dwivedi on April 26, 2012 at 10:53am —
We are pleased to inform you that Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI) is organizing a 3-day Continuing Professional Development Programme on “Bio Medical Waste Management - Handling and Safe Disposal Options with Reference to Draft Rules 2011” from 14 – 16 June, 2012 at ESCI Campus, Gachi Bowli, Hyderabad.
The objective of this programme is to familiarize participants on issues of Bio-medical waste such as quantification, segregation, scientific…
Added by Rujavi on April 26, 2012 at 12:16am —
Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is an important tool to inform decision makers, regulators and stakeholders, about the possible social and economic impact of a proposed project.
To be effective, it requires the active involvement of all concerned stakeholders. Centre for Science and Environment recognises this need and has developed hands-on three-day training programme aimed at giving practical exposure to participants on SIA with specific reference to deve lopment projects, such as…
Added by swati singh sambyal on April 23, 2012 at 2:15am —
Originally published on the EcoCloud platform.
The Higher Education industry contributes its own share to environmental and sustainability issues such as climate change, through its operations, planning, and policies. However, universities and colleges have always been breeding grounds for the latest innovations, movements, and solutions, In the recent…
Added by Vinodh Valluri on April 22, 2012 at 1:53pm —
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Guidelines for collection of NPV: Please see MoEF, New Delhi letter no F.No.5-3/2007-FC, Dated 05.02.2009 and Directive issued by Hon'ble Supreme Court of India vide their judgement dated 28.03.2008.The 16 major forest types have been regrouped into 6 ecological classes depending upon their ecology functions. Eco-Class I to VI.
Thanks to all Institutional members of IEN.Rer. aAlso stockmap available with forest dept.
Added by ANJANI PRASAD SINGH on April 21, 2012 at 11:00am —
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M.Sc., M.Phil students interested to pursue their Dissertation work on cave science (both in field/ laboratory based) are welcome to discuss here. Field open: a) Biodiversity, b) chiropterology, c) Geomicrobiology, d) Ecology etc....
Laboratory work will be carried out at Raipur (C.G.) headquarter.... Our Organization…
Added by Sec. CRAPO on April 19, 2012 at 11:09am —
Hi friends...suggest me some famous and quality books on climate change.
Added by Manoj Thakur on April 19, 2012 at 5:15am —
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Hello everyone
Can anybody give me design of flue gas desulfurization ? I need it for my projct.
Added by Neelam Mudgal on April 18, 2012 at 12:38pm —
Dear Members,
I need the MoEF circular dated Sept19, 1997 & June 30, 1998 related to use of beneficated coal in thermal power plants etc. Please help me if any one have the same.
Thanks & Regards,
Added by Gopi Krushna N on April 13, 2012 at 2:51am —
There are many benefits to using LED energy efficient lighting.
First, when you use LED lighting, you are using a lot less energy per unit of lighting output. Because of this, you will save money! The energy efficient LED Lighting lasts a lot longer than a “regular” light bulb. You can also amortize the cost of the bulb.…
Added by Jake Brown on April 10, 2012 at 1:30am —
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Dear Sir / Madam,
Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) has set up new head office building at Gandhinagar & it will run on Solar Energy. An ideal example of “Zero Energy Building” (Detail information is mentioned below, cutting of The Times of India, 6th April, 2012)
GPCB would be the first 100 % solar building which will power for40 A/c's,600 fans & 1000 CFL tubelights.It will generate 116800 units /year,actual consumption will be 84000 units.The remaining…
Added by Rajesh K Desai on April 9, 2012 at 6:08am —
As a human being we all know how difficult if we don't have water. In summer we all face drinking water problem.In villages people walk too far to get water. Municipalities can not supply drinking water for all.
If we don't drink water frequently in summer, we may face severe health problems. Similarly animals and birds should also need water.
Please place a water in a dish or tub at your house open places. So that little birds can have…
Added by Rajneesh kumar on April 7, 2012 at 1:00pm —
Added by Dr Prakash Tewari on April 7, 2012 at 1:41am —
1 Comment
Added by Sandeep Goel on April 2, 2012 at 7:21am —
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