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January 2011 Blog Posts (9)

A small song written for my son

This is a son written for the sake of my son studying UKG as a part of his curricular activity. If anyone can better it it's most welcomed.

Children in the forest gather around

where birds sing songs and nature is undisturbed

During summer, as green as it could be

A place where we can proudly hug the trees.

Hug trees for the fruits & Shade they give,

For giving small animals a place to live

for the priceless gift of oxygen they give to all living…


Added by RAGHAVA on January 30, 2011 at 10:09am — 5 Comments

Tribals' dependence on forest

When Warlis (Warlis are tribals that have lived in the Sahyadri mountains in north Maharashtra since time immemorial) need something, they don't go to the supermarket. No, there are no supermarkets where they live. They go to the forest, the bountiful forest. Amazing! Amazing! Everything the Warlis need is available in the forest. Can you believe that??

When they need building materials for the construction of their hut, all they do is chop their way through the green tangled…


Added by Muriel kakani on January 20, 2011 at 5:32am — 1 Comment


Lavassa incident if it is to be covered under the EIA Notification, what were local authorities doing till now?

There are a few aspects highlighted

  1. lack of communicability between the central, state and local governing bodies.
  2. burocracy has failed times without number in the country and this incident will only add one more number.
  3. the country in which we have slum clearance boards and the Mumbai City where almost or may be half of the Census count is…

Added by Ajay B Dwivedi on January 19, 2011 at 11:51pm — No Comments

Sustainabilty- cliché in Conservation Circles

My roots with nature are so weak that I fail to understand. . .

A lot is being talked about the sustainable environment in Himalayas and its management these days. There is no doubt that it is getting affected. But how do we manage it?

On this point the question mark exists as previous efforts have yielded little and attempts to improve other services, be it infrastructure, agriculture, irrigation, water supply and to large extent man’s greed to make a few quick bucks…


Added by Dheeraj on January 17, 2011 at 10:22am — 2 Comments

"Adarsh" example of (in)effectiveness of EIA

MoEF's intervention and the order for demolition of the building proves many things:

  1. Ineffectiveness of the entire process of EIA / CRZ.
  2. Ineffectiveness of the system in which the CRZ / EC and EIA are operational.
  3. Looking back at current events particularly in Maharashtra we have three examples where the process has seen troubles Mumbai Airport, Adarsh and Lavassa City. This goes to prove that the procedure has not accounted certain things.
  4. It might be…

Added by Ajay B Dwivedi on January 17, 2011 at 2:42am — 8 Comments

Bi-monthly report on Sea Turtle Conservation Programme in Orissa

Dear Friends,

              Season’s Greetings!

Please find…


Added by Bijaya Kumar Kabi on January 6, 2011 at 8:56am — 1 Comment

Happy New year

Dear all

wish you a succesfull and meaningfull great new year ...2011

Added by rajesh patel on January 4, 2011 at 2:30am — No Comments

happy new year 2011

I Wish all members of Indian Environment Network and their families
A healthy, prosporus pollution free NEW YEAR 2011


Added by abdul fasi on January 2, 2011 at 9:28am — No Comments

नूतन वर्ष की हार्दिक शुभ कामना

सुरज की पहली किरण के साथ आप सभी को नूतन वर्ष की हार्दिक बधाईया

Added by pranav tripathi on January 1, 2011 at 3:54am — 1 Comment

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