to Indian Environment Market
Milind Sonam is running 1500 KM from New Delhi to Mumbai. Follow the GREEN RUN at…
Blog Greenathon-An Environment Initiative 3 Likes Bags are back Ever wonder what an old man was doing with a cloth bag in a Subji market, while youngsters are carrying plastic bags? The style is back. Check this link <a href=""></a>… Discussion Bags are back 3 Likes FLY ASH LEACHING Is there any software which can model/ predict the long term the imapct of leaching of toxics from fly ash ( disposed off at Thermal Power Plamt)on water bodies (grounbd water as well). Discussion FLY ASH LEACHING 1 Like SLOGAN & POEM WRITING COMPETITIONS FOR STUDE… India is prone to various natural disasters like floods, drought, desertification, cyclone, earthquake, landslides, forest-fire, pest-attack and epidemics, etc. Environmental degradation, including c… Discussion SLOGAN & POEM WRITING COMPETITIONS FOR STUDE… 1 Like Environment and Disasters Linkage in the Pre… India is prone to various natural disasters like floods, drought, desertification, cyclone, earthquake, landslides, forest-fire, pest-attack and epidemics, etc. Environmental degradation, including c… Discussion Environment and Disasters Linkage in the Pre… 3 Likes Environmental Monitoring (Air, Water, Soil,… Lets start a discussion on Air Pollution Monitoring (Point source, fugitive, flaring, ambient air). What are the Equipments Required? Which are the Methods of Monitoring? Discussion Environmental Monitoring (Air, Water, Soil,… 1 Like Clean Development Mechanism under Article 12 of Kyoto Protocol – A journey through the mechanismHi Friends,
For all my fellow colleagues in Climate Change domain, below is a link to get a handy document worked by me on the Clean Development Mechanism – the only mechanism under…
Blog Clean Development Mechanism under Article 12 of Kyoto Protocol – A journey through the mechanism 4 Likes Any entrepreneur in Electronic Wastes? Reuters has an interesting article today . It basically says that the e-waste (management and handling) rules – 2011 are right now only on paper. It's a dismal situation. But I always believe that if… Discussion Any entrepreneur in Electronic Wastes? 1 Like Water Cess Good Mornibg IENs As per water cess act from when we have to file the water cess returns from project period or commissioning period or operation period. Discussion Water Cess 1 Like Experts Immediate Requirement - reg. Dear All, Good day from Environmental Mine Plan and Resource Evaluation Solutions (EMPRES). We are writing to you from EMPRES, Chennai a mining plan cum EIA consultant. We have been accredited by the… Discussion Experts Immediate Requirement - reg. 3 Likes Publication "Environmental Extremes Disaster… We are very much thankful to your cooperation, support and motivation for the successful conduct of the awareness campaign on 'Safeguarding Environment for Disaster Risk Reduction' which concluded on… Discussion Publication "Environmental Extremes Disaster… 4 Likes Corporate Environmental Policy: MOEF Circula… Please find herewith MOEF circulars regarding incorporation of Corporate Environment Responsibility in TORs and institutionalizing Corporate Environment Responsibility. Discussion Corporate Environmental Policy: MOEF Circula… 8 Likes Agenda for SurvivalGreen Rating of Indian Iron and Steel Sector Green Rating Project (GRP) of Centre for Science and Environment undertook environmental rating of major iron and steel plants of India. The ratings…
Blog Green Rating of Indian Iron and Steel Sector Green Rating Project (GRP) of Centre for Science and Environment 1 Like RO plant effluent treatment .It is the age of packaged drinking water as everybody is becoming conscious about the quality of water consumed by man. This has led to mushrooming of mineral water plants around the country thus…
Blog RO plant effluent treatment . 6 Likes Invitation : Birth Centenary of Mr Sohrabji…A few weeks ago, the people of India were gifted with one of the steepest hike in petrol prices; a hike of about Rs 7.5. This came as a surprise to many while some commentators argued that this…
Blog Energy and protest politics 5 -online webportal to network and do business and philanthropy with Indian Environment Organizations and Professionals
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Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.
Created by Chandra Kishore Oct 5, 2009 at 3:19pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Apr 29, 2011.
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