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Dear Members,

I need some guidance regarding Waste / Used oil in Ports, We are planning to have a port reception facility for waste & used oil which could receive waste / used oil from ships coming from other ports.

Now MARPOL has a procedure in which the captain / master of the incoming intimates the port of call about its waste oil, and we would be following MARPOL regulations.

What I need to know is how to calculate the amount of waste oil which will be generated in our port. Our cargo handling capacity is 27 MTPA (million tonnes per annum)

I know how to calculate waste oil per ship but is there some way to estimate the waste oil to be generated in a port by seeing the handling capacity (27 MTPA)

Yours Sincerely,

Amlan Dutta
Env Manager

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Comment by Amlan Dutta on August 11, 2010 at 6:19am
Thanks to everybody for all your suggestions, especially Mr. Ghosh your comments are really useful and in fact I have a paper from a Spanish university on port reception facility " The ship-generated waste and cargo residues MARPOL I recovery after the Directive 2000/59/EC on port reception facilities. A national approach F. Xavier Martínez de Osés
(DCEN – Technical University of Catalonia)
Àfrica Uyà Juncadella (The University of Reading) , which also mentions how to calculate waste oil generation from sea vessels.

The discussion on oil spill is also interesting more so because in light of the Mumbai port collision, oil spill is a nightmare for any port. And one of my mandates is to ensure that we are in readiness for any spill incident. While Dhamra Port has a oil spill plan, I have been told to ensure all measures are in place to prevent such an incident and also to prepare a readiness plan in case such a incident (God forbid) happens... Bio-remediation sounds good and as far as I remember, this was in fact developed by a Indian scientist,

Dr. Mohan Narasimha Rao, can you suggest some agencies in India who have Oil spill response teams with bio-remediation. News reports of the Mumbai port collision suggest that they have got some agency from abroad who are yet to reach the site. Is there no agency in India to tackle oil spills.
Comment by Dr.G.Mohan Narasimha Rao on August 11, 2010 at 2:53am
I don't know the procedure for calculation of the oil in the port waters. But I know the treatment of oil spills in the port water through Bio-remediation method which is highly Eco-friendly process in the recent days
Comment by Sudipto Ghosh on August 11, 2010 at 1:54am
It is estimated that the arrival and global movement of oil tankers is 500 million of tonnes of crude annually. This quantity must be added to the internal transport of the crude oil and its derivates, which increases the figure up to 800 million tonnes. The oil waste quantities generated by this maritime traffic are estimated too.

The European Union carried out a research in 1997 in order to identify the scale of the oil waste
quantities and the port reception facilities capacity. The oil waste generated by ships can be
calculated according to specific values called guide-MARPOL that the IMO carry out. The IMO
takes into account the following parameters. These parameters can allow calculations of the
residues generated by vessel which carry hydrocarbon every year in Europe.

Tanker vessels, related with its total cargo volume:
4.8% cleaning water
0.2% crude oil or cargo waste
0.01 to 0.1% semisolid cargo residues

Vessels with diesel propulsion:
2 to 3% mud from daily consumption of fuel

Oil waste generated from vessels related to the used fuel:
1.5 to 2% for heavy fuel
0.5% for diesel

Taking as an exemple the 2,000 oil tank vessels sailing around Europe every year a calculation of the oil waste generated according to the average IMO parameter can be done.

A merchant ship burns 0.35 tonnes of fuel per GRT and per year17, on average. For this reason, a medium sized tanker vessel of 45,000 GRT could consume 15,750 Tonnes of fuel per year.

The showed relationship on residues generation per fuel tonne is applied, obtaining that a medium sized oil tanker generate 315 Tonnes of residues per year only because its own bunker consumption.

Considering the 2,000 oil tanker vessels sailing around Europe annually means they consume 31.5 million Tonnes of fuel generating which have generated 630,000 Tonnes of residue per year.

This brief assessment shows that it is possible to calculate oil residues generated by vessels.
However, the quantities generated by all of them, can be a difficult process and it may not offer reliable data. It is not only a matter of calculating the average residue a vessel engine can generate but of taking into account the storage capacity and the mitigation capacity among many other variables.
Comment by Manish Agrawal on August 10, 2010 at 10:10am
hello, its a very nice work if it goes in right direction....
can u suggest me that there is any chances that during see spray, the formation of nanoparticles would be due to these oil which is discarded into see.
can u gve me any idea or any web page or pdf file for this information.......... -online webportal to network and do business and philanthropy with Indian Environment Organizations and Professionals


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Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.

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Created by Chandra Kishore Oct 5, 2009 at 3:19pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Apr 29, 2011.

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