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The Rolex Awards for Enterprise - First Time in India

India is embarking into the era of rapid economic development and social integrity. It is also witnessing a surge in the number of individuals possessing the DNA of Enterprise and advanced human knowledge. Some of these individuals are those who work outside the mainstream and have limited access to traditional means of funding. However, these individuals tend to overcome their difficulties and perform pioneering work,through initiatives and ingenuity for the common benefit of the mankind. 'ROLEX AWARDS for Enterprize' rewards this 'Unflinching' spirit of Social Innovation and promotes the activities for the benefit of the human society.   
Significance of the Rolex Award of Enterprize
The Rolex Awards were established in the year 1976,by the late Andre.J.Heiniger, former chairman of Rolex. In 36 years since the awards of Enterprize were founded, Rolex has been inspired by the work of global network of visionaries. Winning projects belong to the following areas - 
1. Applied Technology
2. Science and Health
3. Exploration and Discovery
4. The Environment
5. Cultural Heritage
Rather than rewarding past achievements of the selected individuals, the awards provide financial assistance and recognition to their new ventures and ongoing projects. Fundings of 100,000 Swiss francs are awarded to five Laureates and 50,000 Swiss francs to five Young Laureates. The Young Laureates Programme was introduced in 2009 to encourage the next generation of leaders. The grants must be used to complete projects.
Winners are chosen by a jury of international experts, who themselves embody the spirit of enterprize.The jury is international, interdisciplinary and independent. Rolex receives as many as 3,000 applications from 154 countries for eachseries. The Awards are open to anyone of any age, nationality or background. Projects are judged on their originality, potential for continue social impact and, on the candidates’ spirit of enterprise. Applicants must show how they will use a Rolex Award to leverage the impact of their projectsand how, they will benefit mankind.
The Presentation Ceremony
This prestigious award of international philanthropic eminnence will be held for the first time in India, on 27th of  November 2012 at New Delhi. Eminent people scheduled to attend thi event include - Erling Kagge - first person to reach the North and South Poles, and the summit of Mount Everest,Vijay Amritraj- legendary Indian tennis champion, TV presenter, actor, Nandita Das - acclaimed human rights activist, actress and film-maker.
The Indian representatives in the Jury include - Gururaj Deshpande, an Indian American venture capitalist and entrepreneur, who is best known for co-founding the Chelmsford, Subramanian Ramadorai, the Advisor to the Prime Minister of India in the National Council on Skill Development in 2011 and Vice Chairperson - TCS ,Mahrukh Tarapor - an Indian born American Scholar considered to be one of the most widely respected museum professionals in the world,
Past Laureats
Piyush Tewari - Winner 2010 Rolex Award for Science and Health, India
A graduate from University of Delhi, Piyush had built a successful career in Private Equity. However, a road mishap in his family changed his course of Action altogether,imbibing in him the spirit of shield and protection for human race.
After discovering that basic life support, after a road accident, might have saved his 17-year-old cousin's life, Piyush Tewari , in February 2008, set up the SaveLife Foundation (SLF) to train police and bystanders to give emergency care to road victims in those first vital minutes before professional help arrives. The foundation trains police officers and volunteers on rapid care including trauma management, control of bleeding and spinal immobilization for road accident victims. Over the past 4 years Save LIFE has trained over 2500 Police first-responders in Delhi leading to a significant enhancement in survival rate of accident victims.
Chanda Shroff - Winner 2006 Rolex Award for Laureate, Cultural Heritage, India
Ms. Shroff  won recognition for "empowering rural women" regardless of their religion or caste or class in the Kutch region of Gujarat. She developed a unique, sustainable means of income generation for village women. She got the local women to produce saris with exclusive embroideries. The first exhibition of saris was held in October 1969 in Mumbai with considerable success. The profits were re-invested into building the organization ‘Shrujan’. Currently Shrujan empowers more than 3,500 women across 100 villages in the Kutch region Gujrat.
The Rolex Phylosophy
Since its founding acentury ago, Rolex has championed and propogated its phylosophy of individual excellence and achievement through its Awards of Enterprize. By fostering innovation in science, exploration, conservation and the arts, the Rolex Awards advance the work of individuals who exemplify the vision, ingenuity and excellence that characterize the Rolex brand.
Witness this Event of Change in New Delhi, be a part of this Change.

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Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.

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