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The GrassRoot Paryavaran Professional Award!

Dear Members of Indian Environment Network,

I am talking about you and you! Not me of course!

Working diligently, silently ( OK, may be not silently!) in the quest for his/her "Green Mission" of saving this world from Environment disasters by doing what needs to be done as part of his/her daily duties, either part time or full time.

Even outside his/her normal "Call of Duty" s/he may be working as a community organizer, thought leader, or in extreme cases just doing it alone, his/her bit to seed ideas and innovations, new environmental technologies, working on old technology in a new way, working with people and wildlife with his/her own hands without any technology, that will change the course of the world ( or just his backyard!).

I am talking about unsung heros among members of Indian Environment Network ( Make them one if they are not yet a member!) who may have not realized until now how important his/her work is to our mother earth. How important it is to hear his/her story and try to replicate it among millions more....

From this earth day to next earth day, I seek your help in identifying such environment professionals from amongst us . Indian Environment Network will do a "Interview Series" with one such professional a week and share their story with the world. Beginning next year we will give out awards to those stories and individuals that moved us the most and inspired us to take "action" to save our mother earth and help strenghthen our resolve to stay put as a environment professional.

Let me know how you like the idea. Too many awards go to just a handful of "Non-profits" and "Known International" figures ( not amongst us!).

All those individuals and organizations who would like to sponsor and support this Yearly "GRASSROOT PARYAVARAN PROFESSIONAL AWARD" are more than welcome to join me in this quest. Let's share ideas to implement it.

Let's celebrate our profession and bring real change....that will be the contribution of "Indian Environment Network" (h ) starting this "Earth Day".

Chandra Kishore


Indian Environment Network &

Network of Indian Environment Professionals

Views: 67


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Comment by S.P.ANANDAN on May 7, 2010 at 7:58am
I am late to comment on this innovative idea. Grassroot paryavaran Professional Award will definitely inspire voluntary organizations and other agencies engaged in environmental preservation in our country. We have been addressing the threats to environment and biodiversity. We oppose environmentally destructive practices. Yet our actions go unnoticed. It is time to recognize grassroots level initiatives. Let us keep up the spirit CK. Kindly let us know the procedures for nominating an unsung hero.
Comment by Priyanka Shah on April 25, 2010 at 2:21am
Great Idea. This will also give motivation to all Environmental professional to do their best to conserve our degrading Environment.
Comment by KANNA KUMAR SIRIPURAPU on April 16, 2010 at 1:44am
Dear Mr. Chandra Kishore,

This truly is a marvelous idea and I'm very glad to nominate Ms. Jayati Chorey for The GrassRoot Paryavaran Professional Award! I think this is the right time for the payoff for all the pain she had taken to save and conserve a fresh water lake named "Kondakarla Awa Lake" in Andhra Pradesh.

Believe me she had created a culture of celebrating the World Wet Land's day" celebrated every year on 2 February in 19 villages around the lake. Now the villagers celebrate it as a ritual. Her story is really interesting. Born and brought up in Bhopal she had come all the way to Andhra Pradesh, only to save the lake.

Her story is really inspiring!!! If any one is eligible for this then she truly worth this award. I wish Ms. Jayati Chourey all the Best.

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Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.

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