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Sustainabilty- cliché in Conservation Circles

My roots with nature are so weak that I fail to understand. . .

A lot is being talked about the sustainable environment in Himalayas and its management these days. There is no doubt that it is getting affected. But how do we manage it?

On this point the question mark exists as previous efforts have yielded little and attempts to improve other services, be it infrastructure, agriculture, irrigation, water supply and to large extent man’s greed to make a few quick bucks fast have seriously impacted the environment in Himalayas.

So what is the way out?

It is projects  sustainability so that it runs on its own long after the project is over.

Unfortunately, the word ”sustainability” has become a fad these days. Almost all conservation projects talk about sustainability without knowing how to make conservation projects sustainable in reality.

If we look  at various projects be joint forest management, medicinal plants conservation, biodiversity conservation, cold desert development, pasture land development, social forestry and all other conservation projects, most of them are made to look  sustainable till the funds keep flowing in and once the project gets over and funds dry up, sustainability also dries up as if affected by a severe drought or washed away by a powerful tsunami.

Some conservationists contend that sustainability of the project is time specific and the project had achieved its target when it was running actively & they are not concerned about it  once the project gets over. But is it the power of sustainability or money flow that keeps the project running? Doesn’t sustainability mean long-lasting or is the word directly proportional to money flow?

Alas! What became of the word “sustainability” which was splashed all over the pages when the project proposals were made and highlighted in a big way while submitting the project? Was it then misinterpreted or is it too big a word that anything and everything can hide behind it.

Actually, what all that is needed in the end is a crisp report camouflaging the small achievements as big,  juggling with data and a final report declaring that overall goals of the project have been achieved.

Now is any organization ready to open the can of worms of current sustainability of their previous projects ? Has there been any assessment of the post impact of the project, say after 2-3 years after the project was completed to know whether the sustainability is still there or has fizzled out.

Mostly no, because organizations don’t get money to do assessment of projects long completed. They only get money for new projects also no organization wants to count its failures as it dents their standing & maybe prospectus to get  future  projects also dampens.

So it is time to write  a  new project proposal, splash it with high- falutin words, some fancy ideas which can be made to look innovative but have loose bonding with real goals and sustainability.


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Comment by Dheeraj on January 19, 2011 at 1:23am

Dear Kawaljeet the less we say about EIA better it is,  it doesn’t matter what the report says beco'z in the end it is the gang of govt. officials, politicians & corporate world's money power which has a say  and all of them are least concerned about the EIA report and its compliance.

What I am trying to highlight is organizations which are working on conservation projects be it NGO’s, Govt. sponsored projects or projects undertaken under corporate social responsibility. They All try to show that the project they will undertake will be sustainable, but unfortunately by the time the project gets over it becomes highly unsustainable and no one is concerned  about why the project  failed  to deliver its promise, because by that time they have got another project ready with sustainable theme.

Comment by DR. KAWALJEET SINGH on January 19, 2011 at 12:10am

The problem is, no one knows or takes in to account the environmental cost of projects. As regards EIA, here is one person who has done it all and is thoroughly disillusioned with the process. NO ONE reads the report once the project gets its NOC. NO ONE takes the mitigation measures given in the report. Nation will pay a heavy price for this  - but then it will be too late -online webportal to network and do business and philanthropy with Indian Environment Organizations and Professionals


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Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.

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