Indian Environment Network to Indian Environment Market

Develop for the first time in India (100% Indian made and one of it kind in the world.) for the benefits of the Washing Machines of any type.
Users for daily Cloth Cleaning (House-hold Application as well for Industrials & domestic large Washing units, Laundries, Hospitality Industries, Hospitals etc.) a high performance


of the highest Quality produced with most MODERN TECHNOLOGY & KNOW- HOW to beat the usage of ordinary & Extra ordinary solid powder washing machine soap available in the Market & have been used for quite a long time by Domestic servants who are fallen into the habits of using cloth & skin damaging soap.

Our liquid washing solution do not contains the ingredients that damages cloth & skins & to the contrary it enhancing the life of the cloth with an added advantage of retaining the freshness & brightness of the cloth & reducing the task of the domestic servants even when the cloths are bucket (hand) washed. The liquid detergent has PH 7 hence it is neutral that is not acidic or basic in nature hence no harms to the skin. The most beautifying thing is that it is formulated using 80/85% naturally substance's derivatives.
Highlighting the properties of the Liquid Washing Detergent.
01. It does not contain ENZYMES which other solid soap contains. (Enzymes reducing the strength & surface of the cloth).
(Enzymes which is also banned since it is irritating to the skin.)
02. It does not contain OPTICAL BRIGHTENERS which is banned in advance countries. (which is a carcinogenic in nature)
03. It does not contains CAUSTIC SODA which harm & weaken the cloth & retard the original color of the cloth.
(Caustic soda which is hazardous to health, skin and produce heat while reacting with water. It also take time to dissolve. Use of Caustic is banned in most of the advance countries.)

04. It does not contain solid insoluble fillers.
(Fillers which is an undissolved substance & deposits & get trapped in the space between warp & weft of the fabric on the washed cloth & create stains while ironing.)

05. It is NON-TOXIC in nature & Non-corrosive
06. It has PH at 7so neutral and not harming the skin if the same is used by hand as well. (It is easily handled by anybody as the PH of water is also 7).

07. It is thick & slightly viscous yellowish brown liquid easily miscible with water of any type.
08. It needs nearly 30/40 ml for almost 5 kg. of the cloth which is cheaper than any available Washing Machine soap. Washing Machine solid soap require almost 60 grams & harmful if handle by hand & be in continuous contact.
09. Liquid detergent does not allow color to fade & cloth retains its freshness & smoothness.
(The washed water when drained to gutter, it does not harm living organism. It does not damage soil, so the the same water can be used for wetting soil for the plants in a garden.)
11. It is AHINSAK(NON-VIOLENCE) in nature and all JAINS can use.
12. The liquid is a universal cleaning solution for any type of fabrics (Nylon, Wool, Cotton, Silk, it can wash any type of cloth & that is too without any damage to hi-fy fabric used for the Garments)

13. Cost of washing is very low.

(The 1 ltr.bottle can wash 33 washings of 5 kg. machine load. It is cheaper in comparison to solid soaps powder which cost Rs.200/250 for 1 kg. running for only 18/20 days or 5 kg. washing machine loads.)

Advantage: One can clean the cloth with min. amount of water taken into the Bucket and allow the cloth to sock for a while & pressed by the hand to drench off the water from the cloth. Then use another Bucket & allow water to run on the cloth & rinse thoroughly. The cloth is clean. Less labour to be employed. It is a bonanza for the servants. It is non-toxic hence no fear of health hazards. It has excellent solubility with water & penetrability for the cloth. No deposits of any kind. Washing machine saved of scaling problems & hence regular expenditure for descaling the machines is saved.

Application: Supply in bulk for any Process House, Hospital, Hospitality Industries, Washing Industries, Theaters, Malls, Super Bazaars, Schools, Colleges, Temples etc.

Laboratory Testing Results: The liquid is okayed by one of the best & recognized laboratory meant for export for its Non-toxicity, Eco-friendly character, & Non-Harmful contents.

MUMBAI 400049. (INDIA),
PH NO: 26253169/26206270,
FAX: 23415257/66351617
MOBILE: 9320033661

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Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.

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