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My blog to sensitise each of you to aim 'green'

From the time we are born, we take up an ambition....a goal in life. These aims keep changing with age and situations. The higher we go up the ladder of life....the less chances prevail for those aims to come true...

I was thinking of some tool by which I could sensitize that 'child' in each one of us again....the child who was born to Mother Earth. If we were to take up an aim(lakhsya) to protect our Mother who gave birth to us and nurtured us to make us reach where we are today....i would call it a 'Green Lakhshya'...

And hence am using my thoughts, my feelings, and my passion to write articles for my blog:

Even if one of you follow my 'lakshya' aim for doing this would come true.

So please read and take up this 'lakhshya' of aiming green

Your comments and suggestions would take me a little closer to achieving 'my green lakhshya'



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Comment by on March 22, 2012 at 7:45am

Very good start to ecothinking of human. 

Comment by GOPI KANTA GHOSH on March 21, 2012 at 9:47am

Fantastic start...all who believe in green must appreciate

Comment by Sreemoyee Chakraborty on March 21, 2012 at 8:54am

Thanks Chandra Kishore for such inspiring words...i guess you and your initiatives at IEN have been a torchbearer for me to start with my green mission.....jodi tor dak shune keu na ashe tobe ekla cholo re( a Bengali song by Rabindranath Tagore, which means, if no one listens to your call, start walking alone)

I plan to write everyday...and a new 'lakhshya' every time....and each time someone likes or follows my lakhshya....a step forward towards achieving my lakhshya

Comment by Chandra Kishore on March 21, 2012 at 8:43am

Sreemoyee, excellent start. Why do you have to go to wordpress to start your blog. You can blog here right on IEN and it is your own. You are part of the IEN family of 3300+ members and growing. We will provide you a special recognition on IEN should you decide to write regularly here. Email me at .

Almost everyone writes about their "Green Mission" in their profile on IEN. So, I guess we are all working towards a green goal in our own little way. -online webportal to network and do business and philanthropy with Indian Environment Organizations and Professionals


Network of Indian Environment Professionals LLC

Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.

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Created by Chandra Kishore Oct 5, 2009 at 3:19pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Apr 29, 2011.

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