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I ask each of this group members, what is your exact contribution to protect, nurse, take care of ENVIRONMENT & how to improve the climatic condition for us & coming generation??? This is a serious question that every member has to take upon him/her self and open out & respond. There, it seems, No point blindly become a member & not doing as a serious member for the whole of the lives on the EARTH.

This is an awakening question which will stir you from within to make u activate.

Anant Dalal.

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Comment by GOPI KANTA GHOSH on November 7, 2010 at 10:02am
We love and when greed exceeds we destroy knowing well
Comment by Prof. L. Ramakrishnan on November 4, 2010 at 10:28am
What I see is more of NOISE and less of ACTION on environmental issues in India. Overall as a country we are failing in protecting the environment. We use the term "environment" or "environmental improvement" conveniently whenever it suits us. When I refer to WE that includes ME too. I can see the frustration in Anant's original post, perhaps arising out of not getting any response to his green products; I have similar frustrations dealing with people and organizations. I wonder if we will be able solve this country's environmental problems in my looks like for every environmentally sensitive Indian there are 1000s who care a damn. In India Stick alone works - I am not sure if any of those in authority will take the stick...they cannot antagonize those who are there to make money out of everything, including dis-figuring the mother earth. Anant, my assessment is that all those who are members of this forum are sensitive to environmental issues; that is why they are here. But not all can be the bring in a change. They are contributing in their own way and it is necessary to recognize that. Who knows...a Mahatma may emerge from this group !
Comment by Satya Prakash Mehra on November 3, 2010 at 10:36am
Dear Mr Dalal, truly speaking, it is not possible for the person like me to contribute for the betterment of natural environment. Upto my limits I made a team of youth, every member of which is engaged in working in their own style to minimize the negative effect of their daily routine works which otherwise is harming their surrounding....

That's little myself and my team is doing...

Also, we are engaged in helping other creatures to live safely by protecting their sites (habitats). In turn we are getting our livelihood and working for some cause...... for the safe future of ours and all others..

Satya Prakash Mehra
Comment by Dr. Sudhanshu Kumar on November 3, 2010 at 1:33am
Dear Mr Anant,
Good to see your blogs time to time!
Meanwhile, I don’t understand what you mean by the exact contribution – see I can say, I am commuting to my office in Company’s Bus, I use only one Ac, for limited period of time in a day, I use laptop instead of desktop, I am vegetarian etc. etc.
Are these my exact contributions? I don’t believe so because I am not doing these intentionally to protect environment but because of my convenience and preference. The bottom line is we all take care of our environment in all possible manners even involuntarily until unless it is not associated with our bread and butter.
Honestly, as an environmental professional, I joined IEN for business and information only; read the objective of this portal where business comes first; obviously not for philanthropy.
I do think about our environment but not in the way it has been presented at large; in terms of “global warming”, “climatic change”, “green house gases”, “carbon foot print”, “carbon credit” - this is purely business. However, I am interested in these terms as business opportunity and for my bread and butter at the end but it is still my contribution to protect environment!
By the way get some time to read on ice age.
Comment by abdul fasi on November 2, 2010 at 11:50pm
Dear sir,as per my knowlodge every member of this group is doing at his best for big shots can do more help or favour for environment than youngers. like you people shuld come forward to helpout the youngers in all aspects .(it is also our Nature process).As far as look went across the discussion with various people i found & felt that they are serious in their attitude towards protecting the environment. Yes i do agree that many of them are not actively participating in the discussions, but i don't think they are not members for name sake and i believe name only comes when your doing justice to your duty (what ever it may be). please i request you not to discourage youngers and support them to participate actively. Thanks
Comment by Vinodh Valluri on November 2, 2010 at 4:21pm
Firstly, I am thankful to Mr. Kishore for making this network possible. Social networks work in interesting ways - they are after all, microcosms of the real world. The activity I notice on has not been sparse, instead it has been varied. Some have posted photos from their personal journeys and activity. Some others have begun discussions to find answers, or raise questions. While people like me have focused on blogging to express viewpoints and bring issues to attention. I think every person is doing their part, but Mr. Anant rightly points out that there is a LOT MORE to be done. Of course, change is required, but it can not come overnight. Very few of us are blessed with an innate impetus to work for change, and passionately so. These few seek support from the rest, and mean to guide them and inspire them. I am sure each of us is the leader,one of the few, and there are millions of supporters awaiting in India. As Mr.Kishore says - this place is not just about jobs, it is about dreams.. Our dream should be to continue as a unified force, branched across the world, and working towards making it a better place..

Comment by Chandra Kishore on November 2, 2010 at 2:27pm
I am sure each and everyone on this network has dreams for a better earth. Just read the Green Mission of every member that joined the network and you will concur...

Every member here is a professional. By definition, that means that you need to give them a structured problem or a challenge that is worthy of their time to compete and engage!

On days that I have time and I try to engage the members, the particiaption on this network explodes. So, a professional solution to the problem would be to let's hire a dedicated
professional coordinator for our network who can engage members with what they want. I am sure the members involvement will multiply!

Another professional solution for those on the sideleines would be to donate/ fund our network for the privilege of premium and institutional membership making the donation large enough so that we can hire and sustain a professional manager who can work with each of us to draw out the best in all of us.

I have been helping Indian environment professionals for the last fifteen years on borrowed time and personal money when I should rather be fast asleep.... becuase I believe in the potential of each one of you! Believe me, a lot of good has already happened because of these networks that I have created over the years.
Comment by RAGHAVA on November 2, 2010 at 12:06pm
Dear Anant Jee,'

There are n number of people who are not a member of environmental network nor they have studied any thing but still they are a better environmentalist. Your discussion is little bitter rather than an awakening question. As far as look went across the discussion with various people i found & felt that they are serious in their attitude towards protecting the environment. Yes i do agree that many of them are not actively participating in the discussions, but i don't think they are not members for name sake. There are very senior environmentalist who have sacrifised their lives and working for the betterment of tomorrow through indian environmental portals started by Chandra Kishore. I kindly request you take back your comment regarding the ethics of the members of Indian Environmental Network. If i have hurted you by any statement please forgive me. i never meant to hurt you, i am only revealing that no person has joined this network blindly for namesake but with some motive and some purpose only.

i once again request you to forgive me if i have hurted your feelings ........sincerely Raghava -online webportal to network and do business and philanthropy with Indian Environment Organizations and Professionals


Network of Indian Environment Professionals LLC

Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.

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Created by Chandra Kishore Oct 5, 2009 at 3:19pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Apr 29, 2011.

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