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Can any one tell me whether EIA/PH is required for  water reservoir used for thermal power plant near river? What should be the minimum distance from the river for reservoir?

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Comment by Dr. Hemalkumar Naik on June 14, 2011 at 6:49am
Dear Friend,
If you are talking about legal /statutory requirement of EIA for ONLY Pond Not Power plant, you can directly apply for NOC & CC&A from State Pollution Control Board As applicability of EIA regulations are strictly restricted with schedule -I of SO 1533. But if you are talking to protect the Environment due to withdrawal of Water from River you must act further with EIA. Besides, SO 1533, often other concren authority may ask for EIA which do not refer SO1533 (schedule-I). For withdrawal of water from River you need to take permission from concern authority like Irrigation Dept or like XYZ River regulatory Committee or Board etc. So first get the permission for drawl of water from river ans see if they ask for EIA. If they don't ask go for NOC & CC&A and stick to the statement that SO 1533 is not applicable as Drawl of Water is not included in Schedule. Apply as separate New project do not apply as expnsion or modification of existing project as the operation is drawl of water not production of power. Water -the product of your said proposed project will be provided to power plant and thus your product-water also not require EIA. However, it is to be noted that if you integrate the treatment plan with the reservoire- it will require EIA. So first decide why you think of EIA? for Legal compliance or for ethical practice for environment protection?
You can communicate with me if you wish on following:
Comment by VIPIN KUMAR SINGH on June 14, 2011 at 6:46am
@Dr.Sudhansu sir:-thanks sir for providing such a precious information.
Comment by Dr. Sudhanshu Kumar on June 14, 2011 at 6:10am
Dear Vipin,

The construction of reservoir for storm water collection doesn’t required separate EC. This may be considered as the best practices for the rainwater harvesting which is now being promoted by MoEF under each project.

Having said that please be cautious that the reservoir must be properly constructed and managed for storm water only. If this reservoir is going to be end up as water logged area attracting complaints from the local residents or used for collecting effluent from the plant; that would be nightmare for the project and regulator may even issue notice for closure of the operation.



Comment by VIPIN KUMAR SINGH on June 14, 2011 at 3:21am
@sudhansu kumar sir:sir water reservoir is being constructed to collect water during monsoon season.regarding this any EC is required or not.
Comment by Dr. Sudhanshu Kumar on June 14, 2011 at 2:37am
Dear Vipin,
I undersand your main project is Thermal Power Project, any reason, you are specific about the water reservoir. If you look at the EIA requirements for a thermal plant things would be much better.
In general, all activities associated with the project are covered under the EIA of leading project unless advised by the regulator - however, post screening TOR will make it more clear.
Comment by Vivek Mariappan on June 14, 2011 at 1:51am
I think there is a government order that there should be no plants constructed within 5 km of any river bank or lake.. please check on this.. Vipin, i think it might attract EIA as the amount withdrawal to the recharge potential of the reservoir and joshi said bio-diversity. probably a discussion with local Pollution Control Board officials would be a great idea. also document all your proceedings, as they are very likely to go back and say no.
Comment by VIPIN KUMAR SINGH on June 14, 2011 at 12:58am
@joshi sir:thanks sir for providing me this information.Sir this project is upcoming,and for water with drawl there is provision for construction of reservoir.sir plz can u tell u what should me minimum distance of reservoir from there any legislation for this?kindly share information regarding this.
Comment by joshi on June 13, 2011 at 1:19pm
There is no such kind of legislative approach for individual water reservoir except hydro prpject.
As you said its for thermal power plnat,please clear status about thermal power plant, its already there or upcomming. If its upcomming then you may club with you EC application and if its existed then you should consider few things:
1. Permission regarding surface water withdrawal
2. Biodiversity impact assessment -online webportal to network and do business and philanthropy with Indian Environment Organizations and Professionals


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