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A Documentary on the Water Resource Management in West Bengal, INDIA

We generally receive rainfall in heavy showers followed by dry spells. When it rains heavily the soil is not able to absorb water at the rate of rainfall. As a result most of the rain drains away, leaving very little for storage & the recharge of groundwater. This makes most parts of India experience lack of water even for domestic usage. Thus it does not matter how much rain we get, if we don’t harvest it.


Susanta Biswas has just completed a documentary titled “Jol Dharo – Jol Bharo (Preserve Water, Reserve Water)” [Bengali, English, Hindi & Santali. 11 mints. Produced by Government of West Bengal in cooperation with Department of Water Resources Investigation and Development] on the Government of West Bengal pioneering project to preserve rain water with a focus on the activities of State Water Investigation Directorate in this regard. To preserve rain water and other natural water available on the earth’s surface by carefully controlling the respective resources, Govt. of West Bengal has initiated the project. And initiatives are being taken to establish appropriate storage tanks and check-dams of various capacities in different areas at the state, in implementing its goal.


The documentary dealt with this  issue of water resource management in water-scarce region in West Bengal, an eastern region state of India where the majority of rural population depends on agriculture for their livelihood. Thus lack of adequate water resource has inducted high level of uncertainty and insecurity in the mind of the local inhabitant. The Jol Dharo – Jol Bharo (Preserve Water, Reserve Water) initiative of Government of West Bengal tries to provide a replicable framework as a solution to this ecological inequality in the face of looming impacts of climate change.

To watch the documentary please click on the following link:

Jol Dharo, Jal Bharo (Preserve Water, Reserve Water)

A Documentary by SUSANTA BISWAS

Produced by:  Government of West Bengal

Production Partner:  State Water Investigation Directorate under Department of Water Resources Investigation and Development

Country: India / Production year: 2012 / Location: West Bengal

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Comment by SUSANTA BISWAS on December 3, 2013 at 12:19am

The documentary titled “Jal Dharo – Jal Bharo (Preserve Water, Reserve Water)” having Six (6) language versions of Bengali, English, Hindi, Nepali, Urdu & Santali (11 mnts approx duration), Produced by the Government of West Bengal, was screened in the 18th Kolkata International Film Festival.

Comment by ruchi on August 3, 2012 at 2:38am



Comment by ruchi on August 2, 2012 at 6:01am

pless allow me this vedio.......


Comment by SUSANTA BISWAS on July 26, 2012 at 9:40am

Dear  Simpy Singh Ji,

Please read the blog carefully. There is a link to watch the documentary online. Please click on the link.

Comment by Simpy Singh on July 26, 2012 at 9:35am

how to see it, is there any process?

Comment by SUSANTA BISWAS on July 25, 2012 at 2:59pm

The Bangalore Film Society today informed that the documentary "Jal Dharo Jal Bharo (Preserve Water, Reserve Water)" has been selected for screening in the Voices from the Waters: 7th International Film Festival on water, 2012. Bangalore Film Society in collaboration with Alliance Francaise de Bangalore, SVARAJ, Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF), Ithaca College, USA), Christ University, Bangalore, VISTHAR, Charter of Human Responsibilities, SAMVADA, Karnataka Chalanachitra Academy, YWCA Bangalore, Pacific Asia Resource Centre (PARC), Tokyo and Water Journeys – Campaign for Fundamental Right to Water are organizing the 7th edition of the biggest international film festival on water- Voices from the Waters 2012, only one of its kind in the world.

Comment by Girish Yadav on July 24, 2012 at 10:23am

the file should be kept downloadable to use it as training media.

its well developed and learning for all districts and CGWA / MoEF, CPCB, SPCB to further propagate it.

Comment by Dr. Dharmendra on July 24, 2012 at 8:19am

It was long back known to all people and government. central as well as state government lot of money invest on documentry and brochers. No one have work plan to implement on ground reallity. some time they promote shallow tube well yojana, Pond work through NEREGA etc. which is nothing but promote courouption (LOOT in Yojana). simply Irrigation department exhisting all over in india only funds given to them and fixed the traget with technical data. I hope this will be a solution to improve the quality of ground water. Rest depend on Goernment and People of India. -online webportal to network and do business and philanthropy with Indian Environment Organizations and Professionals


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