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Solid waste is one of the most visible immediate and creating serious environmental threats. Our solid waste generation at home has a high content of organic matter, moderate content of plastics, paper and low content of glass and metals. Poor solid waste management lacks of irresponsible behaviour of dwellers are reflecting the worst scenario.

Let us discuss about solid waste disposal practices, current practises, challenges and issues. Irresponsible behaviour of dwellers results in worst scenario.

Negative environmental impacts due to improper solid waste management

  • Dispersed solid waste from the illegal open dumps often blocks the drains and sewers. Ultimately these blockages are creating flooding and unhygienic conditions in the city.
  • Flies breeding are directly linked with open solid waste dumps. During the filed investigation it was observed that during summer the flies are increasing their population so rapidly due to these waste dumps and they are very effectual vectors that spread disease in the community.
  • Blocked drains and wastewater flooding in the city due to blocked drains are greatly supporting the mosquitoes breed and they are spreading the malaria and dengue.
  • Proportion of food waste in open dumps and waste drains are providing an attractive shelter for rats. It was also reported that these rats are spreading disease, damaging electrical cables and other materials
  • Open burning of collected solid waste causing air pollution- dioxins are released which causes cancer and respiratory problems.
  • Discarded polythene bags in collected solid waste are generating an aesthetic nuisance and they also cause the death of grazing animals which eat them.
  • The roadside and heavily sized solid waste storage containers are also creating traffic blockage, also causing a severe aesthetic nuisance in terms of smell and manifestation.
  • Produced leachate from the open dumped sites is causing serious pollution to water bodies.

How can we contribute in saving our surrounding environment???

Please join to have an interactive session on how best every individual can participate to bring a change. Let’s respect our waste and convert into worth out of it....

“Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” 

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Network of Indian Environment Professionals LLC

Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.

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