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With Jairam Ramesh gone, what do you think should be the priorities of Minister Jayanthi Natarajan?


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Let the government take good policy measures, the ability to shape the environmental future of India is in the hands of environmental entrepreneurs and professionals like you?


So, again what would you like the future to be? What challenges in your profession keeps you awake and what solutions you would like to offer?




Indian Environment Network

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I think we always have had our work cut out for us. The days of rubber stamping projects for economic growth are numbered. Economically and ecologically the long term prosperity of the country remains in well planned and sustainable management of our resources. To this end the new minister's profile fits the mandate of her post well. MoEF has been making news recently and its importance is being noticed.
It appears that Mrs Jayanthi Natarajan in a new Avtar as Environment Minister has to face a great challenge to set her Ministry on the right track.  She must rely on the professionals instead of bureaucratic functioning of the Ministry to have a long term prosperity of the the abundant natural resources on a sustainable basis.
It wa not a right decesion to shift Mr Jayram Ramesh when he was working very nicely in his work.I can say after a long years history of environment minisrty which was always a neglected ministry since 1985 when it was running in four rooms under Ministry of Agriculture. I am really shocked and could not digested this baseless decesion. Environment is not joke to be handled when number of problems all over.Person should be balanced and know about the environment and wildlife and eagar to move around. I am totally disappointed after this decesion taken by our leader.

Yes I agree with Dr. Satya Priya Sinha's comment.

Only one Minister Mr. Jayram Ramesh act as real Environment hero. His thinking and his act I don't think anyone have it. a very positive approach towards environmental issues. He visited all sites wherever new projects are coming and its not simple for other ministers. Most of the ministers just for name sake they take seat or charge without science, technology or environmental background. They try to act as Envi Minister but not for environment or sustainable growth.


In a demo"crazy", such shuffles are pretty common.. and also the reason for its dysfunctional political results. It is unavoidable to question policy when speaking sustainability, but where I find hope is that the people who keep the political system fed would probably be more aware, more conscientious, and use their freewill and intelligence to support the governance - either by being responsible 'green' consumers, advocating ecofriendliness in the way they stopped BT Brinjal in its tracks.. In a democracy, can people help ministers do what they should be doing without upsetting political equations of power? Maybe not, but our country will remain hungry and thirsty in 2075 if we don't use our independence in a wise manner, avoiding suicidal "progress" and instead adhering to, and revitalizing the original spirit of India which is inherently sustainable, eco friendly, and humane..
Difficult. Her task will not be easy. The science as well as politics of Environment is very difficult to understand. Mr Ramesh sort off could get the hang of the ropes.  But I believe we could wait and watch. No use being pessimistic !
COngrat Madam Jayanthi Natarajan, Minister of Environment and Forest, GOI. We hope you will use political power to enhance the power of environment for sustainable well-being of the living world.

A generic question is asked on WHat should be the priority of the government on issues related to the protection of the Environment. Keeping environment clean and enbling sustainable development in true national sense and scale is the foremost task of any government/public instition in continuum. There is no need to reaffirm (quantification apart) that how environmental services affect the well being of the planet.

Intensive agricultural practices including unmindful use of agro-chemicals, intense farm operations is considered necessary to provide short term high producvity and gains. Having obtained a quantum jump in production, it is the time to examine that this comfort of complacency has been achieved at what cost and exetenalities in terms of degradation of land quality (soil health), erosion and denundation, water quality and quantity, biodiversity and perpetuated poverty and loss of livelihood at large. If rise in temperature affects production, productivity and economic development, depletion of ground water tables and cost escalation due to intensive operations (application too), one needs to understand the process and policy of development and type of development and mitigation of adversities. Food security is the prime objective of the nation, wherein environmental services, play important role in achieving and sustaining it. Can the earth be cooled down by rightful and timely human inteventions like controlling deforeation mafia, overmining (undermining regeneration and stock depletion apsects) of minerals and fossil exploitation, preserving biodiversity and flora and fauna and innovating conservation agriculture practices. Innovations are needed in practices and institution to address the myriad of the problems, which is getting more intensive over time. Starting new is not necessarily innovation, but doing (managing) newer ways is the innovation we need now in natural resource management. Time is rife now (not later), to get man and mind together to make strategies to look at nature and enrich natural gift to humankind and life system on this earth.

We appeal to the minister to ponder around these problems and let us search for a sustainble and equitable solution together. The country will benefit, environment will revive (survive whenever it is endangered), life system sustained and mankind will enjoy the improved livelihood. This a societal need!

B C Barah
Why this change? Was Ramesh acted against vested interest?

just change in ministry will not solve the environmental problems caused...implementing and actions should be taken,simple actions like for every city,town a UDG,proper SWM,RWH,STP, solar energy usage for streetlights mandatory etc... etc...can lead to a great change. they should know the ways to handle and solve it technically.atleast for an certain extent environmental science and technology aspects should be known to a person who ever handles the position.

To say who is right & who is wrong not relevant, tag some one as right and wrong is totally as individual opinion.

Respected all


i must emphasize the decision taken by Shree Jairam Ramesh Ji and Smt. Jayathi Ji and make a comparative statement then conceptualize who is more suitable to Environment Ministry, not give individual designation to anyone.

even we as individuals are not capable to satisfy our all family members so how expect a minister to satisfy Country need, Policy need etc,

but suitability can be judged

my intention was not to harm anyone sentiments/ not even contradicting any statement  it;s my personal opinion.

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