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Online Certificate Courses from Patentforces Innovations Foundation

PIFT is a 'not for profit' entity with mission of providing innovative solutions and supporting community development initiatives across India.

As part of our e Adhyayan (e Learning) initiative, we are happy to announce the launch of 3 NEW online certificate courses in the field of Environment on World Environment Day.

These are in addition to the year round courses on Intellectual Property which we run throughout on regular basis.

Please find attached the brochure notification and opt for a course(s) of your interest and liking. The PIFT courses are on offer on a highly subsidized cost since we are a 'not for profit' entity. We offer these courses at less than 40% cost in comparison to the other commercial entities. 

These certificate courses are likely to be beneficial from the point of view of skill enhancement and adding up few points in your career profile at the time of annual appraisal. 

Besides, by opting for these courses, you also will feel the satisfaction of supporting a 'not for profit' organization that contributes to bringing out the innovative solutions to make a better India through medium of innovations.

 Looking forward to your participation.

Best Regards



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I guess this in itself is being innovative for a cause...........

An addendum friends and fellow enironmentalists, from the PatentForces Innovations Foundation :

2 NEW COURSES being offered from World Environment Day.

Please visit for further details. 

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