to Indian Environment Market
Dear All
I m a student at VIT pursuing M.Tech Energy and Environmental Engineering. As a part of our curriculum we have to do a project. Please suggest me some interesting research project related to ENVIRONMENT.
More important is what you are interested to work on?
Hey Moumita,
In case you are interested in Lake Management & Lake restoration, please mail back. I can also give suggestion on Dye Degradation in effluent. Being a burning subject in Tirupur, you can think over this.
cell: 09849026065
The topic which came to my mind are:
-Genetically modified crops: scope, effects and prospect in India.
-Role of Indigenious knowledge in patents and giving traditional communities recognition.
-Ways to enhance efficiency of renewable energy sources in India.
firstly you tell about our interest..... than discuss some burning and acceptable topic in India...actually a lot of topic there but according to your convenience and institute infrastructure. you decide
Dear All
thnx for ur replies, i wan to do on som topic w6 cn b done in lab within 3 months as my semester is of 3 months n at the end v have to give report and presentation
I have already worked on dye or color removal from waste water using chemical coagulant and biological component so i dont wan to repeat same kinda work.
Please suggest me something w6 can b completed in 3 months and its interesting to something related to waste water treatment, solid waste management
Everything depends on your interest..... there are lot of aspects to work out.
As per the title I could suggest you to work out on the theme of Energy Conservation or aspects of Bioremediation/ Natural Treatment Systems for pollution control.......
1) how to streamline garbage disposalmethods in our country
2) Mystery behind potholes on Indian roads
3) Hospital waste management-A big risj factor in our country
4) E-waste dosp[osal
5) zero waste management
There is so much you can research and do as a student of Environment.The sky is the limit.
The topics maybe very basic for your MTech level but India is 64 yrs old and we are still groping in the dark on these issues.You need to start somewhere.
BIOMAGIC is a bio-powder which instantly stops bad odor
from kitchen sinks, wash basins, bath rooms, toilets, septic tanks,
sewage treatment plants, waste water stagnations. In case of STPs., it turns the sewage reusable for gardening, ground water recharging, golf course watering, etc.,
without the need for mechanical aeration, which means lot of saving on
power, repairs and maintenance cost of STPs. BIOMAGIC is eco-friendly,
non-hazardous, non-toxic, non-allergic and non-corrosive. If you are interested
in pursuing research in eco-friendly sewage treatment without using power for aeration,
you may contact Prof. R. Natarajan, Bio-fuel Dept., of your esteemed
Dear Momita,
The present thurst on environment is on non conventional energy. Mainly 2 areas - wind & solar. You can take up Solar heater on top of every house to heat the water for kitchen as well for bath rooms. The conservation of energy will be very high as India is above equator and available of solar energy is more.This you can complete within 3-months.
Best wishes.
Try Coal Gasification of Assam Coal
Dear Moumita,
You can plan to do energy audit, it would be useful and match to your curruculum.
Dear Moumita,
You may choose a campus/part of your own campus and design sustainable technologies to make the campus carbon neutral.
Solar panels, biogas, waste recycling/composting,rain water harvesting are some of the technologies you can try out on the campus.
Good luck,
Dr M N Rao
Emeritus Prof, JNTU Hyderabad. -online webportal to network and do business and philanthropy with Indian Environment Organizations and Professionals
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Created by Chandra Kishore Feb 5, 2010 at 3:22pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Jan 20, 2020.
Created by Chandra Kishore Oct 5, 2009 at 3:19pm. Last updated by Chandra Kishore Apr 29, 2011.
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