IJE. Vol 3(2) released [Call for papers]
Dear author(s)
It is our immense pleasure to notify that the Vol 3(2) of International Journal of Environment (IJE) ISSN 2091-2854 has been released recently. Following papers/articles are published after peer review.
Use of the Universal Soil-Loss Equation to determine water erosion with the semi-circular bund water-harvesting technique in the Syrian Steppe
Hamdan Al Mahmoud, Khouri Al Issam, Arslan Awadis 1-11
Biomonitoring of lead (Pb) toxicity through aquatic macrophyte Eichhornia crassipes
Kiran Gupta 12-19
Physico-chemical characteristics of the ground water table after monsoon: a case study at central Travancore in Kerala
Sankar S Vishnu, George Prince, Thomas Mohan 20-27
Seasonal variations in water quality and major threats to Nellore Cheruvu (tank), Nellore district, India
K Sreenivasulu, Kaizar Hossain, T Damodharam 28-35
Occurrence of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria in soil in Kukawa, Borno State
IA Allamin, UJJ Ijah, HY Ismail, ML Riskuwa 36-47
Breeding biology of domesticated Eurasian Collared Dove (Columbidae) Streptopelia decaocto Frivaldszky 1838 in Saidpur, Bangladesh
M Ashraful Kabir 48-54
Study of Myrsine capitellata wall in forest areas of Paiyunpata Village, Baglung, Nepal
Hom Nath Pathak 55-62
Biodegradation of spent engine oil by bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of legumes grown in contaminated soil
HY Ismail, UJJ Ijah, ML Riskuwa, II Allamin 63-75
Leaching characteristics of poultry litter in first phase of multistage anaerobic digestion
Surya P Sunkavalli, A Gangagni Rao, P Swapnalata, M Zaheer 76-82
Bacteriological analysis of date palm fruits sold in Katsina metropolis
ZD Umar, A Bilkisu, A Bashir 83-86
Study on bacteriological quality of Kunun aya (Tigernut juice) sold at Umaru Musa Yar’adua University (UMYU) campus, Katsina
ZD Umar, A Bashir, SA Raubilu 87-97
Morphological variation in maize inbred lines
Jiban Shrestha 98-107
Opportunity cost, willingness to pay and cost benefit analysis of a community forest of Nepal
Anup KC, Ganesh Raj Joshi, Suman Aryal 108-124
Assessment of potential health impacts on surface water sources in Northern Nigeria
ZD Umar, A Bashir 125-136
People’s perception and behaviour towards reuse of wastewater in Dhulikhel, Nepal
Padam Kanta Dahal 137-142
Recycling edible vegetable oils by using various types of alkali with alcohol to produce biodiesel and study its optical and physical properties
AA Elbadawi, SA Suliman, HM Elkhair, HH Abuelhassan, MK Sabahelkhier 143-149
Environmental conditions of Borra Cave, Visakhapattanam, India
Haraprasad Bairagya 150-166
Regularities of La distribution in humic psammozem profile of Transbaikalia and soil-root layer microzones of maize during the vegetation period
Larisa Afanasyeva, Nina Kozhevnikova 167-174
Associative dependence among plankton and macrophytes as pollution markers at tropical lentic environ, Gujarat, India
Hiren B Soni, Sheju Thomas 175-191
Effects of agricultural credit facility on the agricultural production and rural development
GE Ekwere, ID Edem 192-204
Energy efficient refuse derived fuel (RDF) from municipal solid waste rejects: a case for Coimbatore
Offor N Kimambo, P Subramanian 205-215
Histopathological alterations in small intestine of rabbit fish (Siganus rivulatus) infected by helminth parasite (Sclerocollum sp.), Red Sea Coast, Sudan
YMH Salah Eldeen, Omer F Idris, Murwan K Sabahelkhier, Mohamed I Abdelhaleem 216-228
Remediation of cadmium by Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) from cadmium contaminated soil: a phytoextraction study
Rajeev Kumar Bhadkariya, VK Jain, GPS Chak, SK Gupta 229-237
Effect of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) as growth regulator along with chelated zinc and iron on the availability of manganese, zinc, copper and iron in Mentha piperita Linn cultivar Kukrail
FM Prasad, Veeru Prakash, AA Jilani, S Prasad, MR Thomas, R Arnold, KS Robert, VK Prasad 238-245
Some aspects of the ecology of freshwater algae in the Densu River and two tributaries in Southern Ghana
Ted Y Annang, RD Yirenya-Tawiah, GC Clerk, Thomas Smith 246-257
Toxicological effects of a herbicide – Pendinmethalin: a case study of Kenana Sugar Industry, White Nile Province, Sudan
Muawia IA Abdelgadir, Murwan K Sabahelkhier, Mohamed A Adris, Omer F Idris, Shama IY Adam, HN Sulafa 258-262
Morphotaxonomy of three rare Terricolous taxa of Jungermanniales occurring in Nilgiri hills (Western Ghats) India
Afroz Alam 263-275
Evaluate of head loss, sediment value and copper removal in sand media (rapid sand filter)
Daneshi Navab, Banejad Hossein, Pirtag Hamedany Reza, Daneshi Vahab, Farokhi Maedeh 276-286
Correlating bark thickness and girth of some medicinal trees
Taiye R Fasola, BO Olagunju, ABC Robert 287-301
Mixing height observations over Nagothane Village, Raigad District, Western India
RK Kamble 302-310
Genetic engineering, a hope for sustainable biofuel production: review
Sudip Paudel, Michael A Menze 311-323
Plant taxonomy and biodiversity researches in Bangladesh: trends and opportunities
M Atiqur Rahman 324-344
An academic review of the first two volumes of the International Journal of Environment (IJE)
Mehraz Boolaky, Surya P Sunkavalli 345-353
You can view the full papers through this link
Therefore, experts in the different fields of environment and who are interested to publish their scientific work in the upcoming issue of IJE (August 2014) are kindly requested to contact PSD-Nepal at:
Also, interested reviewers/board members/experts can be a part of IJE and can serve as a reviewer voluntarily. Your valuable time for the input in the journal peer review will help us greatly. If interested please do not hesitate to write us sooner.