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Estimation of PM10, PM2.5 SOx and NOx for Mining Activity

Respected All,

                   i want to calculate the concentration of pollutants generated due to the mining activity (Minor Mineral Activity). 

Are there any std. equations from which PM10 and PM2.5 can be estimated considering all the different activities around the mining area .  I want to feed that concentration into the model so that i can get the increment value. 

Guidance would be highly appreciated. 

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You may refer AP 42, Fifth Edition, Volume I, Chapter 11.

Also try Mining Emission Factor (MINEFACT) Calculator by Envitrans®

Each sampling site is unique.

Real-time HVAC Sampling at mining locations needs to be carried out.

These are to be correlated with atmospheric data.

Hi Vinay,

Can you please elaborate the types of mining activities. There are many research publication for emission factors for coal mining activities.

I have one reference regarding this............ hope it will help you.

Chakraborty, M. K., Ahmad, M., Singh, R.S., Pal, D., Bandopadhyay, C., and Chaulya, S.K. (2002), “Determination of the emission rate from various opencast mining operations” Environmental Modelling and Software, 17 ,467–480.

Thank you sir for writing.

We have carried out monitoring in the mining area (working state as well as non working state) but the problem is there are too many site to monitor, hence i wanted  a  equation from which a i can calculate the emission load coming out of the mining activity considering transportation, drilling, blasting and also crusher activity) 

Sir it is Stone Mining.

Ninad Bodhankar said:

Each sampling site is unique.

Real-time HVAC Sampling at mining locations needs to be carried out.

These are to be correlated with atmospheric data.

Thank you Sunil Sir for writing

It is a stone mining industries. And sir i cannot use a research paper for calculating the emission loads from the mining activity, It should be from EPA or MOEF, CPCB or any state PCB.

Sunil Gulia said:

Hi Vinay,

Can you please elaborate the types of mining activities. There are many research publication for emission factors for coal mining activities.

I have one reference regarding this............ hope it will help you.

Chakraborty, M. K., Ahmad, M., Singh, R.S., Pal, D., Bandopadhyay, C., and Chaulya, S.K. (2002), “Determination of the emission rate from various opencast mining operations” Environmental Modelling and Software, 17 ,467–480.

You can contact Professor Shamsh Pervez on 942542455. He is at School of Studies in Chemistry, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur; and a Fullbright Fellow.

i think instead of inputting standard emission factors in the model, it would be better to use monitored data plus atmospheric factors. which model you are using.

As we know that there is variation in suspended Particulates, oxides of nitrogen and sulphur dioxide everytime. we have to go for 24 hr monitoring , IS 5182 part 2, 4, 6 would be helpful. if there is some modeling after considering the atmospheric conditions, the particulates sizes, and the gaseous reactions, I don't know about it. if somebody knows about it, I appreciate that, hoping that somebody should send some links.

You may proceed as follows:

(i) Pl. Monitor the concentration of pollutants in upwind(100m) and downwind direction (350m)from the mine boundary and record 24 hourly values for 5 days

(ii) Difference in the concentration is the contribution from the mine in the downwind direction.

(iii) Increase the downwind distance by 2times(700m) , keeping the same upwind distance (100m).

(iv) Also record hourly wind data and daily production of mineral and overburden.

(v) Use Gaussian equation for ground based source for estimation of source strength / emission rate.

(vi) The emission rate can be used in FDM for prediction of concentratrion at different distances.

Ambient Air Quality Data May 2013
S.No. PM2.5,µg/m3 PM10,µg/m3
Gravimetric IS:5182:Pt-23
1 40.2 105.3
2 47.5 110.5
3 37.5 90.1
4 44.3 104.2
5 39.8 101.6
6 38.6 86.5
7 37.7 82.3
8 35.9 78.6
Min 35.9 78.6
Max 47.5 110.5
Average 40.2 94.9
98 Percentile 47.1 109.8
NAAQS (For 24 hrly monitoring except CO)CO For one Hr 60 100

What is this sir, can u plz explain i have not asked for readings, i am in need of emission factors..

Om Krishna said:

Ambient Air Quality Data May 2013
S.No. PM2.5,µg/m3 PM10,µg/m3
Gravimetric IS:5182:Pt-23
1 40.2 105.3
2 47.5 110.5
3 37.5 90.1
4 44.3 104.2
5 39.8 101.6
6 38.6 86.5
7 37.7 82.3
8 35.9 78.6
Min 35.9 78.6
Max 47.5 110.5
Average 40.2 94.9
98 Percentile 47.1 109.8
NAAQS (For 24 hrly monitoring except CO)CO For one Hr 60 100


could u pls clear why u r doing ds.

Because, methods depends largely on the propose and the required precision.

Assuming that u r doing monitoring to ascertain the legal compliance status then following conditions may holds good

 -not necessary to find synergistic pollutant load. (unless it is of ur or ur organization's own interest or policy under ISO14001 or any other EMS tool)

 - Hope the industry is having a consent and in the consent usually authorities mention where all the  monitoring has to be made (Generally which will be identified based on the EIA report)

 - Follow IS/BIS/USEPA/APHA or any validated method. Here again, the method also will be mentioned in the consent

 - remember there is a difference between ambient air standards, work zone standards, IAQ standards and the emission standards

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