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Environmental Governance Quarterly - Newsletter, October 2011

Centre for Science and Environment has started a quarterly newsletter focusing on environmental regulations and regulators. The newsletter will cover new and upcoming laws and regulations,changes in the regulatory regime, important environmental litigations and best practices in regulations and its implementation. It will also capture news from key environmental regulators and give critical perspective on important regulatory issues.

To view the newsletter, please go to
To subscribe, please visit


Best wishes



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Thanks Nivit for giving knowledge about Environmental Governance.

But As a human being we need to prevent air pollution and take necessary step for improving air quality.

PALS is the "Pure Air Lovers Society" new step of preventing Air Pollution in India.

Thanks for your reply. I request you to go through all the articles and give your honest opinion. In future, I will take up the issue of air pollution in our newsletter


best wishes



Great to know

Thank you

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