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CSE’s short-term training programme: Understanding EIA: From Screening to Decision making


Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is going to organise five days EIA training programme with specific reference to coal based power plant, cement, pharmaceutical, mining and others. We are writing to invite you or your colleague for this unique training programme.

Our course intends to develop the capacity regulators, (SPCB, SEIAA, forest officials), NGOs, student, academician, Industry, Env consultants, in assessing EIA reports, interpreting the impact of development project and managing it. This hands-on five-day training programme is aimed at giving practical exposure to participants on followings aspects.


1. Exposure to all aspects of EIA, from its theory to the practical – such as better understanding regarding

  • What data is required, how this data should be collected and interpreted, and significance of the data,

  • What issues should be addressed in the terms of reference (TOR)

  • Effectiveness of the assessment methods, tools and thumb rules to evaluate the environmental impact of projects and the role of public consultation

2. Better understanding of the environmental and social impacts of the industrial and developmental projects

4. Better ability to review EIA reports and identify its strengths and weaknesses

5. Increased ability to play active role in post-EIA monitoring.


The training programme will be organized from 27 June to 1 July 2011, at CSE’s office, 41 Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi - 62. The course fee for the programme is Rs 9,900/- per participantHowever, 50 % discount is available for NGOs, academician and students.The course fee includes tuition fee, training material and lunch. The participants will have to bear their own travel and accommodation expenditure.


For more information, please visit our website: I sincerely hope you will take this opportunity to nominate yourself or a representative of your organization for this unique training programme. As we have limited number of seats for the training programme, I will urge you to send your organisation’s nomination form before 15th June 2011.  



Mr.Sujit Kumar Singh

Centre for Science and Environment

41 Tughlakabad Institutional area, New Delhi-62

Mobile – 09899676027


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